Updating the "ezpublish/config/parameters.yml" file
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Doctrine\ORM\Version' not found in /var/www/ezpublish/eznew/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/DependencyInjection/DoctrineExtension.php on line 432
Script Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::clearCache handling the post-install-cmd event terminated with an exception
An error occurred when executing the "'cache:clear --no-warmup'" command.
Do you have any clue what I should do? I followed all the steps in your guide.
I'm currently in the middle of an installation with 2015.11 and the installer results in the following error:
ezpublish@orange:~/eznew$ composer run-script post-install-cmd
An error occurred when executing the "'cache:clear --no-warmup'" command.
Do you have any clue what I should do? I followed all the steps in your guide.
Thanks in advance.