zesage / panorama

Panorama - Flutter Widget
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[QUESTION] Using 'XMP::GPano::PoseHeadingDegrees' EXIF data to add an offset when using SensorControl.AbsoluteOrientation, #34

Open cellininicholas opened 2 years ago

cellininicholas commented 2 years ago

When viewing a photosphere using the device compass, I'd like the image to be correctly oriented to the real world. This is when using... sensorControl: SensorControl.AbsoluteOrientation

I've been looking into the metadata of a generated photosphere image, and have found that there is metadata that describes the bearing of a photosphere image. https://developers.google.com/streetview/spherical-metadata GPano:PoseHeadingDegrees: Compass heading, measured in degrees clockwise from North, for the center the image. Value must be >= 0 and < 360.

Is there a way to add a heading offset already, or would it be a simple task to implement one? I'd be happy to fork and implement myself, especially if anyone is willing to point me in the right direction. Thanks!