zesterer / ariadne

A fancy diagnostics & error reporting crate
MIT License
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Weird looking report #17

Open cswinter opened 2 years ago

cswinter commented 2 years ago
Error: Unexpected character `.`
 4 │     float: 1.0,
   ·             ─
   ·              ──

The first _ is labeling the right character, but it's unclear what the floating __ on line 6 signifies. Produced by the following code:

                t => {
                    return Err(Report::build(ReportKind::Error, (), self.current)
                        .with_message(format!("Unexpected character `{}`", t))
                        .with_label(Label::new(self.current - 1..self.current)));
zesterer commented 2 years ago

Oh, eek. This is happening because labels expect a message (i.e: .with_message("foo")). Ariadne should support labels without a message, but this case hasn't really been tested much so it looks like a bug leaked in. I should add test cases for this.

For now, just using an empty message should be sufficient to fix it.

zesterer commented 2 years ago

This should be fixed in 0.1.5, which has just been released.