zesterer / ariadne

A fancy diagnostics & error reporting crate
MIT License
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`Config::default().with_color(false)` not disable colors #54

Closed mamcx closed 1 year ago

mamcx commented 1 year ago

Despite setting this to false, the colors are shown when added to labels:

pub fn build_report(
    named: String,
    err: &ErrorParser,
) -> Report<(String, Range<usize>)> {
    let mut colors = ColorGenerator::new();

    // Generate some colours for each of our elements
    let primary = colors.next();
    // let secondary = colors.next();
    let code = err.error_code();
    let config = Config::default().with_color(false);
    let diagnostic = Report::build(ReportKind::Error, named.clone(), 0)
        .with_code(code as usize)

    match err {
        ErrorParser::ScalarParse { span, kind, msg } => diagnostic
                Label::new((named, span.range()))
                    .with_color(primary), <-- THIS CAUSE IT TO SHOW COLORS
            .with_note(format!("Parsing value of type: {kind:?}"))
        _ => {