zesty-io / manager-ui

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Content Publish - check relational models, asks to publish those too #1177

Open ardeay opened 2 years ago

ardeay commented 2 years ago

Problem: A new page with many relational items often get published and its relational items arent published, this leaves a broken page in production.

Example page: https://8-aaeffee09b-7w6v22.manager.zesty.io/content/6-94f2effbd8-835mzf/7-aaabb8d7fc-9s29d9

That content model has many one to many relationships. When published, many of the item didnt resolve in production because they were not published, and the author was not aware.

Solution: On published, the client side checks active relationships, checks if they are published, if not, presents all things not published in a modal dialog with publish a published this items buttons.

Katiemoser commented 2 years ago

Love this idea, especially the ability to publish those relational components directly from the page they're on.

agalin920 commented 2 years ago

@ardeay should this also apply to one to one relationships?

agalin920 commented 2 years ago

@ardeay You mention 'On published'. Is the idea to only notify the user AFTER the publish is completed? Imo might be better to do it afterward and have the modal be more of like a "Are you sure you want to continue" step.

Should we also have a publish all button?

If we do go the confirm before route: When clicking on an item publish on the modal should this block the main publish while its publish is in progress? (Don't think it needs to)

Should this also happen when creating a scheduled publish?