zeta-chain / networks

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Add developnet config #49

Open gartnera opened 6 months ago

gartnera commented 6 months ago


I'm not sure this is configured correctly.

Update: this is not particularly useful without updating the network addresses in protocol-contracts at the same time.

I was able to deploy the contract template but I had to hardcode the system contract address:

``` ➜ template git:(main) ✗ npx hardhat deploy --network zeta_developnet --verbose hardhat:core:vars:varsManager Creating a new instance of VarsManager +0ms hardhat:core:vars:varsManager Loading ENV variables if any +0ms hardhat:core:config Loading Hardhat config from /home/alex/workspace/github.com/zeta-chain/template/hardhat.config.ts +0ms hardhat:core:hre Creating HardhatRuntimeEnvironment +0ms hardhat:core:global-dir Looking up Client Id at /home/alex/.local/share/hardhat-nodejs/analytics.json +0ms hardhat:core:global-dir Client Id found: e30fc31f-1213-4a6d-b437-5c529320ec77 +1ms hardhat:core:hre Running task deploy +4ms { json: false, name: 'MyContract' } here1 hardhat:core:hre Creating provider for network zeta_developnet +7ms here2 0x91d18e54DAf4F677cB28167158d6dd21F6aB3921 here3 here4 here5 🔑 Using account: 0x7c6768371680BeB308f70Aa86080630c79d99675 🚀 Successfully deployed contract on zeta_developnet. 📜 Contract address: 0x4081c0DE49EA02B543F7824A3703e7b9c9ef1CB6 🌍 ZetaScan: https://explorer.zetachain.com/address/0x4081c0DE49EA02B543F7824A3703e7b9c9ef1CB6 🌍 Blockcsout: https://zetachain.blockscout.com/address/0x4081c0DE49EA02B543F7824A3703e7b9c9ef1CB6 hardhat:core:cli Killing Hardhat after successfully running task deploy +0ms ```

Part of DEVOP-642