zeta-chain / node

ZetaChain’s blockchain node and an observer validator client
MIT License
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Connector ZETA transfer failed on mainnet #2390

Open fadeev opened 6 days ago

fadeev commented 6 days ago


Sending 71 ZETA from Ethereum to ZetaChain.

Status is:

feeInZeta(123524681859100658155) more than zetaBurnt (71843257882267442900)
ilzheev commented 6 days ago

Also, the second issue that I noticed is with refund destination.

Original Ethereum tx: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x2d616107769f1426e097bde2def3858e5018b8c9e40563f86e265b4da41d91ad


But in ZetaChain explorer I noticed that "Revert to Ethereum" was set to the msg.sender instead of Accumulated Finance contract, that actually sent tokens to ZetaConnector:



Can this logic be improved for future txs? Otherwise there is a significant security risk of users infinite minting LST on sidechains (mint stZETA with ZETA, cross-chain tx failed, user got refunded with ZETA, rinse-repeat many times if cross-chain transfers keep failing due to any circumstances).

fadeev commented 6 days ago

ZEVM Message Passing has not been enabled yet on Mainnet

On the final error, it seems the ZETA amount is not sufficient to cover the revert tx. We need to check the liquidity ZETA/ETH pool, gas price might be higher than average

fadeev commented 6 days ago

@lumtis CCM gas fee from ZetaChain to Ethereum is 15.2, here the value (71) is clearly higher.

lumtis commented 6 days ago

ZEVM Message Passing has not been enabled yet on Mainnet

This is planned to be performed soon.

Can this logic be improved for future txs? Otherwise there is a significant security risk of users infinite minting LST on sidechains (mint stZETA with ZETA, cross-chain tx failed, user got refunded with ZETA, rinse-repeat many times if cross-chain transfers keep failing due to any circumstances).

This is currently in consideration. We are in the process of designing new structure for system contract. One consideration is to provide a revert address when initiating a crosschain tx

@lumtis CCM gas fee from ZetaChain to Ethereum is 15.2, here the value (71) is clearly higher.

We will investigate this further. Two possible paramater: