zeta-chain / protocol-contracts

Protocol contracts implementing the core logic of the protocol, deployed on ZetaChain and on connected chains
MIT License
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Request to Add Support for ERC2612 in ZRC20 Tokens #136

Open ronaldoguedess opened 3 months ago

ronaldoguedess commented 3 months ago

Hi Zetachain Team,

I'm reaching out to request your support for integrating the new ERC2612 standard into your ZRC20 tokens.

ERC2612 introduces a powerful mechanism known as "permit," enabling users to grant permissions to a designated router/omnichain contract for token approvals. This innovation allows for streamlined transactions, where a single multicall operation can approve a ZRC20 token and execute cross-chain actions in one seamless step, eliminating the need for additional approval layers and without spending gas for approving.

By incorporating ERC2612 support into ZRC20 tokens, developers will gain the ability to craft more intuitive and user-friendly front-ends. This enhancement holds the potential to drive higher adoption rates for Zetachain tokens and offer a competitive edge within the blockchain ecosystem.

I firmly believe that embracing ERC2612 aligns perfectly with Zetachain's ethos of fostering innovation and prioritizing user-centric solutions. Your dedication to integrating this standard would be greatly valued by the developer community and token users alike.

I eagerly await your insights and feedback on this proposal.

For further insights into ERC2612 and its benefits, please refer to this comprehensive guide: ERC 2612: The Ultimate Guide to Gasless ERC-20 Approvals

Best regards, Ronaldo Guedes

### Tasks
fadeev commented 3 months ago

cc @andresaiello @lumtis @brewmaster012