zetachang / DCModalSegue

A custom segue which makes a pushed back modal presenting animation.
MIT License
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Using Programatically #8

Open alexsaidani opened 10 years ago

alexsaidani commented 10 years ago

Is there a way of using this programatically? I have a button I am adding as a subview UITabBarController and need to present a view using this transition.

zetachang commented 10 years ago

Hi, whole this custom UIStoryboardSegue idea is highly tightened to the storyboard technique. There is no way (as far as I know) to create a segue programmatically, but you can create a segue in storyboard and thus invoke it in your code manually. You can see this guide from Apple for detail.

Otherwise, if you haven't adopt storyboard in your project, maybe seeking out other project (e.g. KNSemiModalViewController is a better choice.

Hope this advice help :smiley: