zetachang / react-native-dotenv

A Babel preset let you import application configs from .env file (zero runtime dependency)
MIT License
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Changing environment variables in files .env and .env.production not picked up until reboot on OSX #79

Closed t-ricci-enhancers closed 4 years ago

t-ricci-enhancers commented 4 years ago

This is a Bug report.

As stated in the title, for me and other members of my team, changing the contents of the .env and .env.production files require a full reboot of the computer in order to be picked up on the app build.

This is my current specs:

macOS Catalina 10.15.4 (19E266) Xcode Version 11.4 (11E146) Node version v13.10.1 (I'm using Oh-My-Zsh and Node version manager NVM) Npm version 6.14.4 react-native-dotenv version 0.2.0 react-native version 0.61.4 react version 16.9.0 metro version 0.56.3 @babel/core version 7.7.2

I've already tried cleaning the project's folder (and obviously restarting the metro bundler) but it didn't work until I rebooted the mac.

Here's the shell script that I'm using to clean react-native build and cache files:

react-native-clean() {
    if [ ! -f "react-native.config.js" ]; then
        echo >&2 "Probably not a react-native project root folder!"
        return 1
        echo "Detected react-native project root folder..."

    if [ -x "command -v watchman" ]; then
        watchman watch-del-all

    if [[ -d "$TMPDIR"react-* ]]; then
        rm -rf "$TMPDIR"react-*

    if [[ -d /tmp/react-* ]]; then
        rm -rf /tmp/react-*

    if [[ -d $TMPDIR/metro-* ]]; then
        rm -rf $TMPDIR/metro-*

    if [[ -d /tmp/metro-* ]]; then
        rm -rf /tmp/metro-*

    if [[ -d "node_modules" ]]; then
        rm -rf node_modules

    if [ -x "$(command -v npm)" ]; then
        echo "Cleaning node_modules and reinstalling..."
        npm cache clean --force && npm ci
        echo >&2 "Could not find node_modules or npm command\!"

    if [ -d "ios" ]; then
        echo "Cleaning iOS..."

        cd ios

        if [ -x "$(command -v pod)" ]; then
            echo "Reinstalling Pods..."
            rm -rf Pods && pod install --repo-update && pod update
            echo "Command pod not found"

        if [ -x "$(command -v xcodebuild)" ]; then
            echo "Cleaning Xcode build..."
            if [ -z "$(xcodebuild clean)" ]; then
                echo "Xcode build cleaned correctly with xcodebuild"
                rm -rf build && echo "Removed Xcode build folder correctly"
            echo "Command xcodebuild not found"

        cd ..
        echo >&2 "Could not find ios folder\!"

    if [ -d "android" ] && [ -f "android/gradlew" ]; then
        echo "Cleaning Android..."

        cd android
        ./gradlew clean

        cd ..

        if npx --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then
            npx jetify
        echo >&2 "Could not find android folder or gradlew executable\!"
XebniDev commented 4 years ago

The same issue, have no solution yet.

macOS Catalina 10.15.3 Xcode Version 11.4 (11E146) Node version v12.16.1 Npm version 6.13.4 react-native-dotenv version 0.2.0 react-native version 0.61.4 react version 16.9.0 metro version 0.56.0 @babel/core version 7.8.7

amamiri commented 4 years ago

Did you guys try what is suggested in the README... A change in import statement (adding a space or something) makes the changes in the env file picked up.

t-ricci-enhancers commented 4 years ago

It worked closing metro-bundler and running it again with the reset cache option: react-native start --reset-cache instead of react-native start (or npm start -- --reset-cache if you have the npm start script in the package.json`)