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all caps for HTML components? #120

Open catmando opened 8 years ago

catmando commented 8 years ago

thinking that we should allow HTML components to be expressed in all CAPS.

class TodoList < React::Component::Base

  param :items, type: [String]

  def render
    UL do
      params.items.each_with_index do |item, index|
        LI (key: "item - #{index}") { item }

class TodoApp < React::Component::Base

  before_mount do
    state.items! []
    state.text! ""

  def render
    DIV do
      H3 { "TODO" }
      TodoList items: state.items
      DIV do
        INPUT(value: state.text).on(:change) do |e|
          state.text! e.target.value
        BUTTON { "Add ##{state.items.length+1}" }.on(:click) do |e|
          state.items! (state.items + [state.text!("")])

Element["#todo-target"].render { TodoApp() }

this seems to make the code a lot more readable, and distinguishes between builtin tags (ALL CAPS), application defined components (CamelCase) and other methods (snake_case).

The downside is that its harder to type, although its probably easy to program your favorite editor to do the upcase automatically.

This came up in a discussion with @loicboutet btw.

fkchang commented 8 years ago

I'm not certain I like how it looks, I'd probably have to use it for a while to decide. That being said, if it's "just allow" i.e. in addition to the lowercased stuff, I'm fine w/adding it. From haml/slim, I'm more used to lowercase

ajjahn commented 8 years ago

This doesn't really suit my tastes, so I can't see myself using it. I prefer ruby's convention of uppercase being reserved for constants. In my opinion, if a component is growing to the point that it is difficult to read, it's time to break it into small components.

loicboutet commented 8 years ago

I would say having way to see what is a html tag and is a ruby function would be really helpful.
I agree that full caps looks slightly weird, I would prefer if there was another way, but I don't find any. All in all I personally think that it would be worth it at the end of day to adopt this style.

catmando commented 8 years ago

@ajjahn - I think the concern is not with the size of the component. In fact this came up when reading a very small component... The problem is to distinguish between regular old methods, (params or my_private_method for example) HTML tags (div, etc) and application defined components (Clock).

As far as constants go, well in a very real sense the HTML tags are constants, so it sort of makes sense.

@fkchang - while we would not want to deprecate this (after all catprint already has a huge pile of code to maintain) the question is more to do with standards, and how we will present code in tutorials, etc.

fkchang commented 8 years ago

@catmando I lean towards it as optional, these are all html tags, right, so I sort of expect a web developer to have familiarity with them, and if they are Rails programmers, it's likely they have been exposed to haml and slim, so the DSL would resemble those. I do sort of share @ajjahn's concerns a bit, in that what I like about the ruby DSL is that while it might look like slim (or like markaby nearly exactly), it's in fact just Ruby.

sollycatprint commented 8 years ago

This issue was moved to reactrb/reactrb#120