zetaops / ulakbus

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Exporting service channel information from Zato #5032 #146

Closed enesates closed 8 years ago

enesates commented 8 years ago

Exporting configuration file from Zato using enmasse: https://zato.io/docs/admin/guide/enmasse.html

enesates commented 8 years ago

Creating an export file out of a JSON file, pulling all includes and any non-Zato internal objects from ODB in along:

  zato enmasse ../server1/ --input input1.json --export-local --export-odb

--export-* arguments always need an input JSON file in --input, if you’re just starting out, put an empty dictionary {} to the file, but remember that it must exist and must not be empty.

Import an existing file: #67

zato enmasse ../server1 --input zato-export-2015-06-30T08_56_22_628706.json --import --replace-odb-objects