zetaops / zengine

BPMN workflow based framework with Tornado, Rabbit AMQP, advanced permissions, extensible scaffolding features and more
GNU General Public License v3.0
83 stars 22 forks source link

session_fixture doesn't work properly #5345 #60

Closed zetaopsbot closed 8 years ago

zetaopsbot commented 8 years ago

session_fixture doesn't work properly

{"callbackID": "16458076e7524603bd1a9913a175bbdb", "reply_timestamp": 1464257816.995383, "code": 500, "error": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"/app/zengine/zengine/wf_daemon.py\", line 148, in handle_message\n    output = self._handle_view(session, data, headers)\n  File \"/app/zengine/zengine/wf_daemon.py\", line 101, in _handle_view\n    view(self.current)\n  File \"/app/zengine/zengine/views/dev_utils.py\", line 87, in __init__\n    bucket_name = mdl.objects.bucket.name\nAttributeError: 'QuerySet' object has no attribute 'bucket'\n\n\nINPUT DATA: {u'path': u'session_fixture', 'view': u'session_fixture'}\n\nOUTPUT DATA: {}\n\n\n- - - - - -\nWORKFLOW: LOGIN ( login )\nTASK: show_login_form ( UserTask )\nDATA:\nCURRENT:\n\tACTIVITY: auth.Login\n\tPOOL: {}\n\tLANE: None\n\tTOKEN: 388980cd2a84448cbd8ed40f8d5b8774"}
