zetavg / react-native-system-notification

Android system notifications for React Native. Supports push notifications with GCM integrated.
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License information #61

Open reneviering opened 7 years ago

reneviering commented 7 years ago


thanks for your awesome library. It works like a charme on Android and I'll use it in production. Unfortunately I’ve seen, that there’s no LICENSE file defined at the github repo. Is it possible with your license, using it in production? If it’s possible can you please put a LICENSE file in the repo?

Thanks a lot!


heminm commented 7 years ago


reneviering commented 7 years ago

Hey, Is there anything new in this topic?


JonesN3 commented 7 years ago

There is a License field in the package.json, MIT. I don't know how that holds up legally or whatever, so if you need a LICENSE file in the repo, I suggest you create pull request with the addition of a MIT license, i'm sure the author would be happy to merge that.