zetkin / www.zetk.in

The main activist front-end for Zetkin.
4 stars 7 forks source link

TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of null #284

Open richardolsson opened 3 years ago

richardolsson commented 3 years ago


TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of null
  File "/var/app/build/app/components/pages/dashboard/DashboardHero.js", line 41, in DashboardHero.render
    let firstName = userData.get('first_name');
  File "/var/app/build/app/server/app.js", line 396, in null.<anonymous>
    let html = _server2.default.renderToString(_react2.default.createElement(_IntlReduxProvider2.default, { store: req.store }, _react2.default.createElement(_reactRouter.RouterContext, props)));
  File "/var/app/build/app/server/app.js", line 395, in renderReactPage
    (0, _reactRouter.match)({ routes: _routes2.default, location: req.url }, (err, redirect, props) => {
  File "/var/app/build/app/server/app.js", line 387, in null.<anonymous>
    renderReactPage(_App2.default, req, res);
  File "/var/app/build/app/server/app.js", line 314, in app.use
(116 additional frame(s) were not displayed)

TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of null