zettadb / kunlun

KunlunBase is a distributed relational database management system(RDBMS) with complete NewSQL capabilities and robust transaction ACID guarantees and is compatible with standard SQL. Applications which used PostgreSQL or MySQL can work with KunlunBase as-is without any code change or rebuild because KunlunBase supports both PostgreSQL and MySQL connection protocols and DML SQL grammars. MySQL DBAs can quickly work on a KunlunBase cluster because we use MySQL as storage nodes of KunlunBase. KunlunBase can elastically scale out as needed, and guarantees transaction ACID under error conditions, and KunlunBase fully passes TPC-C, TPC-H and TPC-DS test suites, so it not only support OLTP workloads but also OLAP workloads. Application developers can use KunlunBase to build IT systems that handles terabytes of data, without any effort on their part to implement data sharding, distributed transaction processing, distributed query processing, crash safety, high availability, strong consistency, horizontal scalability. All these powerful features are provided by KunlunBase. KunlunBase supports powerful and user friendly cluster management, monitor and provision features, can be readily used as DBaaS.
Apache License 2.0
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Lateral expression crash in table join queries #415

Closed jd-zhang closed 2 years ago

jd-zhang commented 3 years ago

Issue migrated from trac ticket # 43

component: computing nodes | priority: major | resolution: fixed

2021-04-15 16:54:38: @jd-zhang created the issue

sql code:

CREATE TABLE INT4_TBL(f1 int4); CREATE TABLE INT8_TBL(q1 int8, q2 int8); CREATE TABLE TEXT_TBL (f1 text);

explain (verbose, costs off) select from text_tbl t1 left join int8_tbl i8 on i8.q2 = 123, lateral (select i8.q1, t2.f1 from text_tbl t2 limit 1) as ss1, lateral (select ss1. from text_tbl t3 limit 1) as ss2 where t1.f1 = ss2.f1; psql: server closed the connection unexpectedly < This probably means the server terminated abnormally < before or while processing the request.

-- AND no explain--

select from text_tbl t1 left join int8_tbl i8 on i8.q2 = 123, lateral (select i8.q1, t2.f1 from text_tbl t2 limit 1) as ss1, lateral (select ss1. from text_tbl t3 limit 1) as ss2 where t1.f1 = ss2.f1; psql: server closed the connection unexpectedly < This probably means the server terminated abnormally < before or while processing the request.

-- AND --

select from text_tbl t1 left join int8_tbl i8 on i8.q2 = 123, lateral (select i8.q1, t2.f1 from text_tbl t2 limit 1) as ss1, lateral (select ss1. from text_tbl t3 limit 1) as ss2 where t1.f1 = ss2.f1; psql: server closed the connection unexpectedly < This probably means the server terminated abnormally < before or while processing the request.

-- AND --

select ss2. from int4_tbl i41 left join int8_tbl i8 join (select i42.f1 as c1, i43.f1 as c2, 42 as c3 from int4_tbl i42, int4_tbl i43) ss1 on i8.q1 = ss1.c2 on i41.f1 = ss1.c1, lateral (select i41., i8., ss1. from text_tbl limit 1) ss2 where ss1.c2 = 0;

--- others are not listed here ---

jd-zhang commented 3 years ago

2021-04-26 12:06:53: @jd-zhang

jd-zhang commented 3 years ago

2021-04-26 12:06:53: @jd-zhang commented

Another implicit lateral sql code:

tdb1=# CREATE TABLE rngfunc2(rngfuncid int, f2 int); CREATE TABLE tdb1=# INSERT INTO rngfunc2 VALUES(1, 11); INSERT 0 1 tdb1=# INSERT INTO rngfunc2 VALUES(2, 22); INSERT 0 1 tdb1=# INSERT INTO rngfunc2 VALUES(1, 111); INSERT 0 1 tdb1=# CREATE FUNCTION rngfunct(int) returns setof rngfunc2 as 'SELECT FROM rngfunc2 WHERE rngfuncid = $1 ORDER BY f2;' LANGUAGE SQL; CREATE FUNCTION tdb1=# select from rngfunc2, rngfunct(rngfunc2.rngfuncid) z where rngfunc2.f2 = z.f2; server closed the connection unexpectedly This probably means the server terminated abnormally before or while processing the request. The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Succeeded. psql (12.5 (Ubuntu 12.5-0ubuntu0.20.04.1), server 11.5)

similar commands are: select * from rngfunc2, rngfunct(rngfunc2.rngfuncid) with ordinality as z(rngfuncid,f2,ord) where rngfunc2.f2 = z.f2;

select * from rngfunc2 where f2 in (select f2 from rngfunct(rngfunc2.rngfuncid) z where z.rngfuncid = rngfunc2.rngfuncid) ORDER BY 1,2;

select * from rngfunc2 where f2 in (select f2 from rngfunct(1) z where z.rngfuncid = rngfunc2.rngfuncid) ORDER BY 1,2;

select * from rngfunc2 where f2 in (select f2 from rngfunct(rngfunc2.rngfuncid) z where z.rngfuncid = 1) ORDER BY 1,2;

jd-zhang commented 3 years ago

2021-04-28 15:23:05: @jd-zhang commented

similar case:

DROP TABLE if exists prt1_l; CREATE TABLE prt1_l (a int, b int, c varchar) PARTITION BY RANGE(a); CREATE TABLE prt1_l_p1 PARTITION OF prt1_l FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (250); CREATE TABLE prt1_l_p2 PARTITION OF prt1_l FOR VALUES FROM (250) TO (500) PARTITION BY LIST (c); CREATE TABLE prt1_l_p2_p1 PARTITION OF prt1_l_p2 FOR VALUES IN ('0000', '0001'); CREATE TABLE prt1_l_p2_p2 PARTITION OF prt1_l_p2 FOR VALUES IN ('0002', '0003'); CREATE TABLE prt1_l_p3 PARTITION OF prt1_l FOR VALUES FROM (500) TO (600) PARTITION BY RANGE (b); CREATE TABLE prt1_l_p3_p1 PARTITION OF prt1_l_p3 FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (13); CREATE TABLE prt1_l_p3_p2 PARTITION OF prt1_l_p3 FOR VALUES FROM (13) TO (25); INSERT INTO prt1_l SELECT i, i % 25, to_char(i % 4, 'FM0000') FROM generate_series(0, 599, 2) i; DROP TABLE if exists prt2_l; CREATE TABLE prt2_l (a int, b int, c varchar) PARTITION BY RANGE(b); CREATE TABLE prt2_l_p1 PARTITION OF prt2_l FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (250); CREATE TABLE prt2_l_p2 PARTITION OF prt2_l FOR VALUES FROM (250) TO (500) PARTITION BY LIST (c); CREATE TABLE prt2_l_p2_p1 PARTITION OF prt2_l_p2 FOR VALUES IN ('0000', '0001'); CREATE TABLE prt2_l_p2_p2 PARTITION OF prt2_l_p2 FOR VALUES IN ('0002', '0003'); CREATE TABLE prt2_l_p3 PARTITION OF prt2_l FOR VALUES FROM (500) TO (600) PARTITION BY RANGE (a); CREATE TABLE prt2_l_p3_p1 PARTITION OF prt2_l_p3 FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (13); CREATE TABLE prt2_l_p3_p2 PARTITION OF prt2_l_p3 FOR VALUES FROM (13) TO (25); INSERT INTO prt2_l SELECT i % 25, i, to_char(i % 4, 'FM0000') FROM generate_series(0, 599, 3) i; SELECT * FROM prt1_l t1 LEFT JOIN LATERAL (SELECT t2.a AS t2a, t2.c AS t2c, t2.b AS t2b, t3.b AS t3b, least(t1.a,t2.a,t3.b) FROM prt1_l t2 JOIN prt2_l t3 ON (t2.a # t3.b AND t2.ct3.c)) ss ON t1.a # ss.t2a AND t1.css.t2c WHERE t1.b = 0 ORDER BY t1.a;

This will crash: The interesting thing is that, if we add 'SET enable_partitionwise_join to true;' to the beginning, the last sql statement does not crash, but errors, like following: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "▒▒▒"

jd-zhang commented 3 years ago

2021-05-12 12:39:04: @david-zhao

jd-zhang commented 3 years ago

2021-05-12 12:39:04: @david-zhao changed status from assigned to accepted

jd-zhang commented 3 years ago

2021-05-25 10:21:55: @david-zhao commented

Milestone renamed

jd-zhang commented 3 years ago

2021-05-25 10:21:55: @david-zhao

jd-zhang commented 3 years ago

2021-07-19 15:20:47: @charleszettadb commented


jd-zhang commented 3 years ago

2021-07-19 15:20:47: @charleszettadb set resolution to fixed

jd-zhang commented 3 years ago

2021-07-19 15:20:47: @charleszettadb changed status from accepted to closed

jd-zhang commented 3 years ago

2021-10-18 16:44:27: @david-zhao commented

this bug need reappears after agg push down.

jd-zhang commented 3 years ago

2021-10-18 16:44:27: @david-zhao

jd-zhang commented 3 years ago

2021-10-18 16:44:27: @david-zhao removed resolution (was fixed)

jd-zhang commented 3 years ago

2021-10-18 16:44:27: @david-zhao changed status from closed to reopened

jd-zhang commented 2 years ago

2021-12-20 15:26:34: @vito4172 commented

It has been confirmed that the above problems do not exist

jd-zhang commented 2 years ago

2021-12-20 15:26:34: @vito4172 set resolution to fixed

jd-zhang commented 2 years ago

2021-12-20 15:26:34: @vito4172 changed status from reopened to closed