A powerful Lua obfuscator designed to make your Lua code nearly impossible to reverse-engineer, with multiple layers of advanced obfuscation techniques
Wanted to try this out on some of my LUA scripts but having issues with it outputting correctly have replicated it with something as simple as this code below.
local function fibonacci(n)
local a, b = 0, 1
for i = 1, n do
print("Fibonacci " .. i .. " is " .. a)
a, b = b, a + b
Running this command lua ./hercules.lua ../test.lua
Then running lua ../test_obfuscated.lua it hangs and i don't get the print end, when using local functions, but its fine when its a global function.
Also, it Intermittently crashes every 1/4 runs
lua: ...reter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/SyntaxParsers/Statements.lua:187: Expected an identifier, got: {
[TYPE] = Number
[Line] = 1
[Value] = 1
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
...reter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/SyntaxParsers/Statements.lua:187: in function 'Interpreter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/SyntaxParsers/Statements.consumeMultipleIdentifiers'
...rpreter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/SyntaxParsers/Keywords.lua:80: in function 'Interpreter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/SyntaxParsers/Keywords.local'
...../Compiler/Interpreter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/Parser.lua:134: in method 'getNextNode'
...../Compiler/Interpreter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/Parser.lua:151: in method 'consumeCodeBlock'
...rpreter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/SyntaxParsers/Keywords.lua:108: in function 'Interpreter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/SyntaxParsers/Keywords.if'
...../Compiler/Interpreter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/Parser.lua:134: in method 'getNextNode'
...../Compiler/Interpreter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/Parser.lua:151: in method 'consumeCodeBlock'
...rpreter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/SyntaxParsers/Keywords.lua:203: in function 'Interpreter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/SyntaxParsers/Keywords.for'
...../Compiler/Interpreter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/Parser.lua:134: in method 'getNextNode'
...../Compiler/Interpreter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/Parser.lua:151: in method 'consumeCodeBlock'
...reter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/SyntaxParsers/Statements.lua:329: in function 'Interpreter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/SyntaxParsers/Statements.consumeLocalFunction'
(...tail calls...)
...../Compiler/Interpreter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/Parser.lua:134: in method 'getNextNode'
...../Compiler/Interpreter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/Parser.lua:151: in method 'consumeCodeBlock'
...../Compiler/Interpreter/LuaInterpreter/Parser/Parser.lua:188: in method 'parse'
./modules/Compiler/../Compiler/api.lua:59: in field 'ConvertToAST'
./modules/Compiler/../Compiler/api.lua:159: in function <./modules/Compiler/../Compiler/api.lua:156>
(...tail calls...)
./pipeline.lua:58: in function 'pipeline.process'
./hercules.lua:278: in main chunk
[C]: in ?
Wanted to try this out on some of my LUA scripts but having issues with it outputting correctly have replicated it with something as simple as this code below.
Running this command lua ./hercules.lua ../test.lua
Then running lua ../test_obfuscated.lua it hangs and i don't get the print end, when using local functions, but its fine when its a global function.
Also, it Intermittently crashes every 1/4 runs