zevinhill / HighlyAvailableWebApp

AWS workshop - https://catalog.us-east-1.prod.workshops.aws/v2/workshops/3de93ad5-ebbe-4258-b977-b45cdfe661f1/en-US/introduction
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Aurora RDS #2

Open zevinhill opened 2 years ago

zevinhill commented 2 years ago

DB Subnet group created - 2 subnets in different AZ to allow multi-AZ deployment and ensure high-availability Type: t2-small (to avoid unnecessary costs) Engine: Aurora w/ MySQL compatibility DB inputs: -Name DB: wordpress -DB Master username: wpadmin -DB Master password: password Multi-AZ option enabled NOT publicly available - Data layer not accessible from "outside" (only by EC2 instances and other services within the VPC) Security group: SG- WP Db att: inb rules in SG-WP Db - Aurora/SQL - listen port 3036 - source: SG-WP Db Client