zevinhill / HighlyAvailableWebApp

AWS workshop - https://catalog.us-east-1.prod.workshops.aws/v2/workshops/3de93ad5-ebbe-4258-b977-b45cdfe661f1/en-US/introduction
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1. -Load balancer creation #6

Open zevinhill opened 2 years ago

zevinhill commented 2 years ago

Load Balancer ALB Security group creation - allow inbound traffic from anywhere: Type: HTTP / Port: 80 / Source: Anywhere Load Balancer creation: -Type: Application ALB -Scheme: Internet-facing -Network Mapping: the 2 PUBLIC subnets in different AZs -Security Group - ALB SG (done previously) -Listeners & Routing: Type: HTTP / Port 80 / Source: left undefined (as no EC2 instance created at this point) ATT: when creating the ALB, a previously created Target group is needed, so one was created with no records for the time being.