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Daily ArXiv Papers.
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Latest 15 Papers - July 16, 2024 #111

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Time Series

Title Date Comment
OmniSat: Self-Supervised Modality Fusion for Earth Observation 2024-07-12
Tail-robust factor modelling of vector and tensor time series in high dimensions 2024-07-12
Learning High-Frequency Functions Made Easy with Sinusoidal Positional Encoding 2024-07-12
16 pa...

16 pages, Conference, Accepted by ICML 2024

Guidelines for Augmentation Selection in Contrastive Learning for Time Series Classification 2024-07-12 20 pages, 11 figures
Early Classification of Time Series: Taxonomy and Benchmark 2024-07-12
Pixel-wise Agricultural Image Time Series Classification: Comparisons and a Deformable Prototype-based Approach 2024-07-12

Revised version. Added references and baselines. Corrected typos. Added discussion section and Appendix A, B and C

Accelerating Time Series Analysis via Processing using Non-Volatile Memories 2024-07-12

Published in IEEE Access, 2024, volume 12

ImageFlowNet: Forecasting Multiscale Trajectories of Disease Progression with Irregularly-Sampled Longitudinal Medical Images 2024-07-12

Fixed some typos. Merged multibib

Parameter inference from a non-stationary unknown process 2024-07-12
Loss Shaping Constraints for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting 2024-07-11
Sensor-Aware Classifiers for Energy-Efficient Time Series Applications on IoT Devices 2024-07-11
FAR-Trans: An Investment Dataset for Financial Asset Recommendation 2024-07-11

Accepted at the IJCAI-2024 Workshop on Recommender Systems in Finance (Fin-RecSys)

Large Pre-trained time series models for cross-domain Time series analysis tasks 2024-07-11
16 pa...

16 pages, 5 Figures, 4 Tables

Toto: Time Series Optimized Transformer for Observability 2024-07-11
Information matrix test for normality of innovations in stationary time series models 2024-07-11


Title Date Comment
Towards Personalised Patient Risk Prediction Using Temporal Hospital Data Trajectories 2024-07-12
FedVAE: Trajectory privacy preserving based on Federated Variational AutoEncoder 2024-07-12
2023 ...

2023 IEEE 98th Vehicular Technology Conference

Any-point Trajectory Modeling for Policy Learning 2024-07-12 18 pages, 15 figures
Fast and Accurate Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction For Crowded Unknown Scenes 2024-07-12
ImageFlowNet: Forecasting Multiscale Trajectories of Disease Progression with Irregularly-Sampled Longitudinal Medical Images 2024-07-12

Fixed some typos. Merged multibib

Adaptive Human Trajectory Prediction via Latent Corridors 2024-07-12

Accepted to ECCV 2024. Project website can be found at https://neerja.me/atp_latent_corridors/

Using iterated local alignment to aggregate trajectory data into a traffic flow map 2024-07-11
Multi-Path Long-Term Vessel Trajectories Forecasting with Probabilistic Feature Fusion for Problem Shifting 2024-07-10
Trial and Error: Exploration-Based Trajectory Optimization for LLM Agents 2024-07-10

Accepted to ACL 2024 Main Conference; Camera Ready

The Hybrid Extended Bicycle: A Simple Model for High Dynamic Vehicle Trajectory Planning 2024-07-10
Boosting Transferability in Vision-Language Attacks via Diversification along the Intersection Region of Adversarial Trajectory 2024-07-10

ECCV2024. Code is available at https://github.com/SensenGao/VLPTransferAttack

CATP: Context-Aware Trajectory Prediction with Competition Symbiosis 2024-07-10
Proactive Eavesdropping in Relay Systems via Trajectory and Power Optimization 2024-07-10
14 pa...

14 pages, 8 figures, submitted to IEEE Journal for review

What's Wrong with the Absolute Trajectory Error? 2024-07-09
Trajectory Data Mining and Trip Travel Time Prediction on Specific Roads 2024-07-09 N/A

Graph Neural Networks

Title Date Comment
The $μ\mathcal{G}$ Language for Programming Graph Neural Networks 2024-07-12
A Perspective on Foundation Models for the Electric Power Grid 2024-07-12
Lead ...

Lead contact: H.F.H.; Major equal contributors: H.F.H., T.B., B.G., L.S.A.M., A.P., A.V., J.W.; Significant equal contributors: J.B., A.B.M., S.C., I.F., B.H., R.J., K.K., V.M., F.M., M.D.M., O.R., H.S., L.X., E.S.Y., A.Z.; Other equal contributors: A.J.B., R.J.B., B.P.B., J.S., S.S

The Effectiveness of Curvature-Based Rewiring and the Role of Hyperparameters in GNNs Revisited 2024-07-12 19 pages, 10 figures
Graph Neural Network Causal Explanation via Neural Causal Models 2024-07-12
Logical Characterizations of Recurrent Graph Neural Networks with Reals and Floats 2024-07-12
GNN with Model-based RL for Multi-agent Systems 2024-07-12
Conformal Inductive Graph Neural Networks 2024-07-12

Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024

SlideGCD: Slide-based Graph Collaborative Training with Knowledge Distillation for Whole Slide Image Classification 2024-07-12

Submitted to MICCAI-2024

Domain-Hierarchy Adaptation via Chain of Iterative Reasoning for Few-shot Hierarchical Text Classification 2024-07-12
9 pag...

9 pages, 2 figures, Accepted by IJCAI2024

Rethinking Graph Backdoor Attacks: A Distribution-Preserving Perspective 2024-07-12 Accepted by KDD 2024
Deep Inverse Design for High-Level Synthesis 2024-07-11
Neural Bipartite Matching 2024-07-11
Robust Generalization of Graph Neural Networks for Carrier Scheduling 2024-07-11
15 Pa...

15 Pages, 12 Figures. Pre-print, under review

Improving Molecular Modeling with Geometric GNNs: an Empirical Study 2024-07-11
SparseRadNet: Sparse Perception Neural Network on Subsampled Radar Data 2024-07-11
18 pa...

18 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables