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Latest 15 Papers - July 23, 2024 #116

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Time Series

Title Date Comment
Nonlinear Schrödinger Network 2024-07-19
Time series on compact spaces, with an application to dynamic modeling of relative abundance data in Ecology 2024-07-19
Wildfire Risk Prediction: A Review 2024-07-19
tidychangepoint: a unified framework for analyzing changepoint detection in univariate time series 2024-07-19
Bayesian Inference for High-dimensional Time Series by Latent Process Modeling 2024-07-19
Domain Adaptation for Industrial Time-series Forecasting via Counterfactual Inference 2024-07-19
Reduced Data-Driven Turbulence Closure for Capturing Long-Term Statistics 2024-07-19
19 pa...

19 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Elsevier

Time Series Generative Learning with Application to Brain Imaging Analysis 2024-07-19 45 pages
Omni-Dimensional Frequency Learner for General Time Series Analysis 2024-07-19
Deep Functional Factor Models: Forecasting High-Dimensional Functional Time Series via Bayesian Nonparametric Factorization 2024-07-18
SignSpeak: Open-Source Time Series Classification for ASL Translation 2024-07-18
6 pag...

6 pages, 2 figures, NeurIPS

Scalable Spatiotemporal Prediction with Bayesian Neural Fields 2024-07-18
27 pa...

27 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, 2 listings

Exploring Facial Biomarkers for Depression through Temporal Analysis of Action Units 2024-07-18
Temporal Representation Learning for Stock Similarities and Its Applications in Investment Management 2024-07-18
Tensor Factor Model Estimation by Iterative Projection 2024-07-18


Title Date Comment
Dataset Distillation by Automatic Training Trajectories 2024-07-19
The p...

The paper is accepted at ECCV 2024

A Survey of Distance-Based Vessel Trajectory Clustering: Data Pre-processing, Methodologies, Applications, and Experimental Evaluation 2024-07-19
Risk-Aware Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Under Safety-Critical Scenarios 2024-07-18
Improving Out-of-Distribution Generalization of Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving via Polynomial Representations 2024-07-18
Exploring Robot Trajectory Planning -- A Comparative Analysis of Algorithms And Software Implementations in Dynamic Environments 2024-07-18
Deterministic Trajectory Optimization through Probabilistic Optimal Control 2024-07-18
Trajectory Planning Using Tire Thermodynamics for Automated Drifting 2024-07-17
This ...

This manuscript was accepted from IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (IV 2024) and will be published late August

Forward Invariance in Trajectory Spaces for Safety-critical Control 2024-07-17 8 pages, 4 figures
UniTE: A Survey and Unified Pipeline for Pre-training ST Trajectory Embeddings 2024-07-17
VisionTrap: Vision-Augmented Trajectory Prediction Guided by Textual Descriptions 2024-07-17

Accepted at ECCV 2024

Multi-Agent Probabilistic Ensembles with Trajectory Sampling for Connected Autonomous Vehicles 2024-07-17
Trajectory and Power Optimization for Multi-UAV Enabled Emergency Wireless Communications Networks 2024-07-16 6 pages, 3 figures
Progressive Pretext Task Learning for Human Trajectory Prediction 2024-07-16

Accepted to ECCV 2024

SciConNav: Knowledge navigation through contextual learning of extensive scientific research trajectories 2024-07-16

21pages, 13 figures, 6 tables

PRET: Planning with Directed Fidelity Trajectory for Vision and Language Navigation 2024-07-16

Graph Neural Networks

Title Date Comment
PolyFormer: Scalable Node-wise Filters via Polynomial Graph Transformer 2024-07-19 ACM SIGKDD 2024
L^2CL: Embarrassingly Simple Layer-to-Layer Contrastive Learning for Graph Collaborative Filtering 2024-07-19
Comparing and Contrasting Deep Learning Weather Prediction Backbones on Navier-Stokes and Atmospheric Dynamics 2024-07-19
SlideGCD: Slide-based Graph Collaborative Training with Knowledge Distillation for Whole Slide Image Classification 2024-07-19

Accepted for MICCAI 2024

Enhancing Data-Limited Graph Neural Networks by Actively Distilling Knowledge from Large Language Models 2024-07-19 10 pages, 3 Figures
EggNet: An Evolving Graph-based Graph Attention Network for Particle Track Reconstruction 2024-07-18 7 pages, 5 figures
Conformalized Link Prediction on Graph Neural Networks 2024-07-18
Improving Malware Detection with Adversarial Domain Adaptation and Control Flow Graphs 2024-07-18
E(n) Equivariant Topological Neural Networks 2024-07-18
36 pa...

36 pages, 11 figures, 9 tables

Temperature Distribution Prediction in Laser Powder Bed Fusion using Transferable and Scalable Graph Neural Networks 2024-07-18
Higher-order Spatio-temporal Physics-incorporated Graph Neural Network for Multivariate Time Series Imputation 2024-07-18
18 pa...

18 pages, 7 figures, CIKM 2024

Performance Comparison of Session-based Recommendation Algorithms based on GNNs 2024-07-18

Accepted at ECIR 2024

Exploring End-to-end Differentiable Neural Charged Particle Tracking -- A Loss Landscape Perspective 2024-07-18
Injecting Hierarchical Biological Priors into Graph Neural Networks for Flow Cytometry Prediction 2024-07-18
14 pa...

14 pages, ICML Conference Workshop 2024. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2402.18610

MSPipe: Efficient Temporal GNN Training via Staleness-Aware Pipeline 2024-07-18