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Latest 15 Papers - July 30, 2024 #121

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Time Series

Title Date Comment
Metadata-enhanced contrastive learning from retinal optical coherence tomography images 2024-07-26
Deep learning for predicting the occurrence of tipping points 2024-07-26
Contrastive Learning of Asset Embeddings from Financial Time Series 2024-07-26
9 pag...

9 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables

TCGPN: Temporal-Correlation Graph Pre-trained Network for Stock Forecasting 2024-07-26
Impact of Recurrent Neural Networks and Deep Learning Frameworks on Real-time Lightweight Time Series Anomaly Detection 2024-07-26
20 pa...

20 pages, 4 figures, 7 tables, The 26th International Conference on Information and Communications Security, 26-28 August, 2024, Mytilene, Lesvos, Greece (ICICS2024)

The seismic purifier: An unsupervised approach to seismic signal detection via representation learning 2024-07-25

Submitted to IEEE-TGRS

Group integrative dynamic factor models with application to multiple subject brain connectivity 2024-07-25
Can time series forecasting be automated? A benchmark and analysis 2024-07-25
Quadratic Advantage with Quantum Randomized Smoothing Applied to Time-Series Analysis 2024-07-25

Accepted at the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE)

Predicting COVID-19 hospitalisation using a mixture of Bayesian predictive syntheses 2024-07-25
Scalable Bayesian inference for time series via divide-and-conquer 2024-07-25
Targeted stochastic gradient Markov chain Monte Carlo for hidden Markov models with rare latent states 2024-07-25
DAM: Towards A Foundation Model for Time Series Forecasting 2024-07-25
EEG-SSM: Leveraging State-Space Model for Dementia Detection 2024-07-25
High Significant Fault Detection in Azure Core Workload Insights 2024-07-25

Published in IAAI 2024, which is the Industrial track of AAAI 2024


Title Date Comment
Evaluating Human Trajectory Prediction with Metamorphic Testing 2024-07-26

MET'24: 9th ACM International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing

Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction with Difficulty-Guided Feature Enhancement Network 2024-07-26
Trajectory-aligned Space-time Tokens for Few-shot Action Recognition 2024-07-25 ECCV 2024
Trajectory Planning Using Reinforcement Learning for Interactive Overtaking Maneuvers in Autonomous Racing Scenarios 2024-07-25
8 pag...

8 pages, accepted to be published at the 27th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, September 24 - 27, 2024, Edmonton, Canada

Sampling-Based Hierarchical Trajectory Planning for Formation Flight 2024-07-24
Exploring Commercial Vehicle Detouring Patterns through the Application of Probe Trajectory Data 2024-07-24

Presented at Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2024. Presentation number: TRBAM-24-02157

TLControl: Trajectory and Language Control for Human Motion Synthesis 2024-07-24
Reacting on human stubbornness in human-machine trajectory planning 2024-07-24
Context-aware Multi-task Learning for Pedestrian Intent and Trajectory Prediction 2024-07-24
An open-source framework for data-driven trajectory extraction from AIS data -- the $α$-method 2024-07-24
Simultaneous Trajectory Optimization and Contact Selection for Contact-rich Manipulation with High-Fidelity Geometry 2024-07-24

arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2306.06465

Synthetic Trajectory Generation Through Convolutional Neural Networks 2024-07-24
To ap...

To appear in the proceedings of the 21st Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security & Trust (PST 2024)

Guaranteed Trajectory Tracking under Learned Dynamics with Contraction Metrics and Disturbance Estimation 2024-07-24 18 pages, 8 figures
MapsTP: HD Map Images Based Multimodal Trajectory Prediction for Automated Vehicles 2024-07-23
PateGail: A Privacy-Preserving Mobility Trajectory Generator with Imitation Learning 2024-07-23

Graph Neural Networks

Title Date Comment
Enhancing material property prediction with ensemble deep graph convolutional networks 2024-07-26
9 pag...

9 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables

Robust Learning in Bayesian Parallel Branching Graph Neural Networks: The Narrow Width Limit 2024-07-26
Learning production functions for supply chains with graph neural networks 2024-07-26
AutoRDF2GML: Facilitating RDF Integration in Graph Machine Learning 2024-07-26 accepted at ISWC'24
Graph Neural Networks for Virtual Sensing in Complex Systems: Addressing Heterogeneous Temporal Dynamics 2024-07-26
This ...

This paper extends our previous conference paper (Best Paper at European Conference of the PHM Society 2024, https://doi.org/10.36001/phme.2024.v8i1.3998)

DTFormer: A Transformer-Based Method for Discrete-Time Dynamic Graph Representation Learning 2024-07-26 11 pages, 3 figures
TCGPN: Temporal-Correlation Graph Pre-trained Network for Stock Forecasting 2024-07-26
Scalable Graph Compressed Convolutions 2024-07-26
Multi-turn Response Selection with Commonsense-enhanced Language Models 2024-07-26
Fast System Technology Co-Optimization Framework for Emerging Technology Based on Graph Neural Networks 2024-07-26
We fo...

We found some errors in Figure.3 ,and we need some time to reconduct experiments. Therefore, we want to withdrawal our article now

AsEP: Benchmarking Deep Learning Methods for Antibody-specific Epitope Prediction 2024-07-25
Gene Regulatory Network Inference from Pre-trained Single-Cell Transcriptomics Transformer with Joint Graph Learning 2024-07-25

Accepted into the ICML 2024 AI for Science workshop

RIDA: A Robust Attack Framework on Incomplete Graphs 2024-07-25
Expressivity and Generalization: Fragment-Biases for Molecular GNNs 2024-07-25
Personalized and Context-aware Route Planning for Edge-assisted Vehicles 2024-07-25