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Latest 15 Papers - July 31, 2024 #122

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Time Series

Title Date Comment
Time series forecasting with high stakes: A field study of the air cargo industry 2024-07-29
The 1...

The 10th Mining and Learning from Time Series Workshop: From Classical Methods to LLMs. SIGKDD, Barcelona, Spain, 6 page

Local Level Dynamic Random Partition Models for Changepoint Detection 2024-07-29
Reconstructing Global Daily CO2 Emissions via Machine Learning 2024-07-29
Leveraging Time-Series Foundation Models in Smart Agriculture for Soil Moisture Forecasting 2024-07-29
7 pag...

7 pages, accepted at KDD '24 - Fragile Earth Workshop

Aircraft Trajectory Segmentation-based Contrastive Coding: A Framework for Self-supervised Trajectory Representation 2024-07-29
16 pa...

16 pages, 7 figures. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible

ElastiBench: Scalable Continuous Benchmarking on Cloud FaaS Platforms 2024-07-29

Accepted for publication in 12th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2024)

Classification of Alzheimer's Dementia vs. Healthy subjects by studying structural disparities in fMRI Time-Series of DMN 2024-07-29
Integrated Scenario-based Analysis: A data-driven approach to support automated driving systems development and safety evaluation 2024-07-29
8 pag...

8 pages, 5 figures, 27th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems

MSegRNN:Enhanced SegRNN Model with Mamba for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting 2024-07-29
Response Theory via Generative Score Modeling 2024-07-29
Survey and Taxonomy: The Role of Data-Centric AI in Transformer-Based Time Series Forecasting 2024-07-29
Multiscale Representation Enhanced Temporal Flow Fusion Model for Long-Term Workload Forecasting 2024-07-29

Proceedings of the 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '24), October 21--25, 2024, Boise, ID, USA

Towards Detecting IoT Event Spoofing Attacks Using Time-Series Classification 2024-07-29

Accepted - 49th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN)

Learning Global and Local Features of Power Load Series Through Transformer and 2D-CNN: An Image-based Multi-step Forecasting Approach Incorporating Phase Space Reconstruction 2024-07-28
Explainable Online Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for Cyber-Physical Systems via Causal Discovery from Time Series 2024-07-28
In pu...

In publication for IEEE Conference on Automation and Smart Engineering (CASE) 2024


Title Date Comment
Aircraft Trajectory Segmentation-based Contrastive Coding: A Framework for Self-supervised Trajectory Representation 2024-07-29
16 pa...

16 pages, 7 figures. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible

Map2Traj: Street Map Piloted Zero-shot Trajectory Generation with Diffusion Model 2024-07-29
SAPI: Surroundings-Aware Vehicle Trajectory Prediction at Intersections 2024-07-29
Motion Manifold Flow Primitives for Language-Guided Trajectory Generation 2024-07-29
12 pa...

12 pages, 10 figures, under review

Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction with Difficulty-Guided Feature Enhancement Network 2024-07-29
Reputation-Driven Asynchronous Federated Learning for Enhanced Trajectory Prediction with Blockchain 2024-07-28
Evaluating Human Trajectory Prediction with Metamorphic Testing 2024-07-26

MET'24: 9th ACM International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing

Trajectory-aligned Space-time Tokens for Few-shot Action Recognition 2024-07-25 ECCV 2024
Trajectory Planning Using Reinforcement Learning for Interactive Overtaking Maneuvers in Autonomous Racing Scenarios 2024-07-25
8 pag...

8 pages, accepted to be published at the 27th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, September 24 - 27, 2024, Edmonton, Canada

Sampling-Based Hierarchical Trajectory Planning for Formation Flight 2024-07-24
Exploring Commercial Vehicle Detouring Patterns through the Application of Probe Trajectory Data 2024-07-24

Presented at Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2024. Presentation number: TRBAM-24-02157

TLControl: Trajectory and Language Control for Human Motion Synthesis 2024-07-24
Reacting on human stubbornness in human-machine trajectory planning 2024-07-24
Context-aware Multi-task Learning for Pedestrian Intent and Trajectory Prediction 2024-07-24
An open-source framework for data-driven trajectory extraction from AIS data -- the $α$-method 2024-07-24

Graph Neural Networks

Title Date Comment
rLLM: Relational Table Learning with LLMs 2024-07-29
xAI-Drop: Don't Use What You Cannot Explain 2024-07-29
CoCo: A Coupled Contrastive Framework for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Graph Classification 2024-07-29
RelBench: A Benchmark for Deep Learning on Relational Databases 2024-07-29
Dynamic Spiking Graph Neural Networks 2024-07-29
Quasi-Framelets: Robust Graph Neural Networks via Adaptive Framelet Convolution 2024-07-29
Noise-Resilient Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning via Multi-Hop Feature Quality Estimation 2024-07-29

Accepted by CIKM 2024. 11 pages, 8 figures

Aero-Nef: Neural Fields for Rapid Aircraft Aerodynamics Simulations 2024-07-29 32 pages
A Unified Graph Transformer for Overcoming Isolations in Multi-modal Recommendation 2024-07-29
The Shape of Money Laundering: Subgraph Representation Learning on the Blockchain with the Elliptic2 Dataset 2024-07-29
KDD M...

KDD MLF Workshop 2024. Dataset can be accessed at http://elliptic.co/elliptic2. Code can be accessed at https://github.com/MITIBMxGraph/Elliptic2

Sharp Bounds for Poly-GNNs and the Effect of Graph Noise 2024-07-28
Interpretable Triplet Importance for Personalized Ranking 2024-07-28

Accepted by CIKM 2024

Reputation-Driven Asynchronous Federated Learning for Enhanced Trajectory Prediction with Blockchain 2024-07-28
Learning Over Molecular Conformer Ensembles: Datasets and Benchmarks 2024-07-28 ICLR 2024
IDEA: A Flexible Framework of Certified Unlearning for Graph Neural Networks 2024-07-28