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Latest 15 Papers - August 06, 2024 #126

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Time Series

Title Date Comment
Bond Graphs for multi-physics informed Neural Networks for multi-variate time series 2024-08-02
9 pag...

9 pages, 3 figures, paper under review

Fine-grained Attention in Hierarchical Transformers for Tabular Time-series 2024-08-02
9 pag...

9 pages; Camera Ready version

Reservoir computing with logistic map 2024-08-02

Accepted for publication in Physical Review E

A marginalized three-part interrupted time series regression model for proportional data 2024-08-01
Enhancing Solar Driver Forecasting with Multivariate Transformers 2024-08-01

Short paper accepted for oral presentation at the SPAICE Conference 2024 (https://spaice.esa.int/)

An Extreme Value Theory Approach for Understanding Queue Length Dynamics in Adaptive Corridors 2024-08-01
Modeling stochastic eye tracking data: A comparison of quantum generative adversarial networks and Markov models 2024-08-01 8 pages
AutoPV: Automatically Design Your Photovoltaic Power Forecasting Model 2024-08-01
HiMTM: Hierarchical Multi-Scale Masked Time Series Modeling with Self-Distillation for Long-Term Forecasting 2024-08-01

accepted by CIKM 2024

AutoMate: Specialist and Generalist Assembly Policies over Diverse Geometries 2024-08-01
Large Language Models for Wearable Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition, Health Monitoring, and Behavioral Modeling: A Survey of Early Trends, Datasets, and Challenges 2024-07-31
Temporal Subspace Clustering for Molecular Dynamics Data 2024-07-31

Accepted as a research paper at BIOKDD 2024

Con4m: Context-aware Consistency Learning Framework for Segmented Time Series Classification 2024-07-31
Root Cause Analysis Of Productivity Losses In Manufacturing Systems Utilizing Ensemble Machine Learning 2024-07-31
Explainable Time Series Anomaly Detection using Masked Latent Generative Modeling 2024-07-31

Published in Pattern Recognition


Title Date Comment
Incorporating Control Inputs in the Estimation of Continuous Mobile Robot Trajectories and Continuum Robot Shapes 2024-08-02
8 pag...

8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

MSMA: Multi-agent Trajectory Prediction in Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Environment with Multi-source Data Integration 2024-08-02
Conformal Trajectory Prediction with Multi-View Data Integration in Cooperative Driving 2024-08-02
Rule-Based Error Detection and Correction to Operationalize Movement Trajectory Classification 2024-08-02
Optimizing Diffusion Models for Joint Trajectory Prediction and Controllable Generation 2024-08-01
30 pa...

30 pages, 20 figures, Accepted to ECCV 2024

Analysis of Functional Insufficiencies and Triggering Conditions to Improve the SOTIF of an MPC-based Trajectory Planner 2024-08-01 Extended Version
Discovering Car-following Dynamics from Trajectory Data through Deep Learning 2024-08-01
Tora: Trajectory-oriented Diffusion Transformer for Video Generation 2024-07-31
MART: MultiscAle Relational Transformer Networks for Multi-agent Trajectory Prediction 2024-07-31
19 pa...

19 pages, 12 figures, 7 tables, 8 pages of supplementary material. Paper accepted at ECCV 2024

CSDO: Enhancing Efficiency and Success in Large-Scale Multi-Vehicle Trajectory Planning 2024-07-31
8 pag...

8 pages, 7 figures. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible

Zero Shot Health Trajectory Prediction Using Transformer 2024-07-30
Acting upon Imagination: when to trust imagined trajectories in model based reinforcement learning 2024-07-30
Safe and Non-Conservative Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Driving Handling Unanticipated Behaviors of Traffic Participants 2024-07-30
Scene-Specific Trajectory Sets: Maximizing Representation in Motion Forecasting 2024-07-30
Aircraft Trajectory Segmentation-based Contrastive Coding: A Framework for Self-supervised Trajectory Representation 2024-07-29
16 pa...

16 pages, 7 figures. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible

Graph Neural Networks

Title Date Comment
Bond Graphs for multi-physics informed Neural Networks for multi-variate time series 2024-08-02
9 pag...

9 pages, 3 figures, paper under review

Tailoring Graph Neural Network-based Flow-guided Localization to Individual Bloodstreams and Activities 2024-08-02
7 pag...

7 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, 16 references, accepted at ACM NanoCom'25

HeteroMorpheus: Universal Control Based on Morphological Heterogeneity Modeling 2024-08-02
Unsupervised Graph-based Learning Method for Sub-band Allocation in 6G Subnetworks 2024-08-02

Accepted in VTC Fall 2024

SAM-guided Graph Cut for 3D Instance Segmentation 2024-08-02

Project page: https://zju3dv.github.io/sam_graph

GNN-MolKAN: Harnessing the Power of KAN to Advance Molecular Representation Learning with GNNs 2024-08-02
Parkinson's Disease Detection from Resting State EEG using Multi-Head Graph Structure Learning with Gradient Weighted Graph Attention Explanations 2024-08-01

Accepted at MLCN 2024

You Can't Ignore Either: Unifying Structure and Feature Denoising for Robust Graph Learning 2024-08-01

Accepted by CIKM'2024

Genetic Algorithms with Neural Cost Predictor for Solving Hierarchical Vehicle Routing Problems 2024-08-01
Graph neural network-based surrogate modelling for real-time hydraulic prediction of urban drainage networks 2024-08-01
Graph Representation Learning via Causal Diffusion for Out-of-Distribution Recommendation 2024-08-01 14 pages
Contrastive Graph Representation Learning with Adversarial Cross-view Reconstruction and Information Bottleneck 2024-08-01 13 pages, 7 figures
Multi-Modal Parameter-Efficient Fine-tuning via Graph Neural Network 2024-08-01
CDFGNN: a Systematic Design of Cache-based Distributed Full-Batch Graph Neural Network Training with Communication Reduction 2024-08-01
From Unsupervised to Few-shot Graph Anomaly Detection: A Multi-scale Contrastive Learning Approach 2024-08-01
13 pa...

13 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables