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Daily ArXiv Papers.
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Latest 15 Papers - August 14, 2024 #132

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Time Series

Title Date Comment
Time is Not Enough: Time-Frequency based Explanation for Time-Series Black-Box Models 2024-08-12

Accepted to CIKM 2024 (10 pages, 9 figures, 9 tables)

Improving the Evaluation and Actionability of Explanation Methods for Multivariate Time Series Classification 2024-08-12
cDVGAN: One Flexible Model for Multi-class Gravitational Wave Signal and Glitch Generation 2024-08-12
20 pa...

20 pages, 17 figures, 5 tables

Encoding Temporal Statistical-space Priors via Augmented Representation 2024-08-12

IJCAI 2024 STRL Workshop (Oral)

Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Time-series: An Extensive Evaluation and Analysis of State-of-the-art Methods 2024-08-12

Accepted at Expert Systems with Applications journal

xLSTMTime : Long-term Time Series Forecasting With xLSTM 2024-08-12
Large language models can be zero-shot anomaly detectors for time series? 2024-08-12
Large Language Models Are Zero-Shot Time Series Forecasters 2024-08-12

NeurIPS 2023. Code available at: https://github.com/ngruver/llmtime

Bidirectional Generative Pre-training for Improving Time Series Representation Learning 2024-08-11
Risk and cross validation in ridge regression with correlated samples 2024-08-11
44 pa...

44 pages, 18 figures. v2: updated funding acknowledgements

An End-to-End Model for Time Series Classification In the Presence of Missing Values 2024-08-11
Continual Learning of Nonlinear Independent Representations 2024-08-11 9 pages, 5 Figures
MTSCI: A Conditional Diffusion Model for Multivariate Time Series Consistent Imputation 2024-08-11
10 pa...

10 pages, 5 figures, accepted by CIKM2024

Predicting Chaotic System Behavior using Machine Learning Techniques 2024-08-11 8 pages, 15 figures
Strong denoising of financial time-series 2024-08-11


Title Date Comment
RALTPER: A Risk-Aware Local Trajectory Planner for Complex Environment with Gaussian Uncertainty 2024-08-11
Trajectory Planning for Teleoperated Space Manipulators Using Deep Reinforcement Learning 2024-08-10
Nonlinear Propagation of Non-Gaussian Uncertainties: Theory and Applications to Spacecraft Trajectory Design 2024-08-09
Optimal Distributed Multi-Robot Communication-Aware Trajectory Planning using Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers 2024-08-09
TrajCogn: Leveraging LLMs for Cognizing Movement Patterns and Travel Purposes from Trajectories 2024-08-09
PTrajM: Efficient and Semantic-rich Trajectory Learning with Pretrained Trajectory-Mamba 2024-08-09
Simulating Articulatory Trajectories with Phonological Feature Interpolation 2024-08-08

accepted at Interspeech 2024

Semi-Supervised Generative Models for Disease Trajectories: A Case Study on Systemic Sclerosis 2024-08-08

Accepted at Machine Learning for Healthcare 2024. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2311.08149

Grasping Trajectory Optimization with Point Clouds 2024-08-07

Published in IROS 2024

UniTraj: A Unified Framework for Scalable Vehicle Trajectory Prediction 2024-08-07

Accepted in ECCV 2024

Sampling for Model Predictive Trajectory Planning in Autonomous Driving using Normalizing Flows 2024-08-07

Accepted to be published as part of the 2024 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Jeju Shinhwa World, Jeju Island, Korea, June 2-5, 2024

TGS: Trajectory Generation and Selection using Vision Language Models in Mapless Outdoor Environments 2024-08-07
Pose-Aware Self-Supervised Learning with Viewpoint Trajectory Regularization 2024-08-07

Accepted by ECCV 2024

Transfer Learning Study of Motion Transformer-based Trajectory Predictions 2024-08-07

Published in 2024 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Jeju Shinhwa World, Jeju Island, Korea, June 2-5, 2024

EgoNav: Egocentric Scene-aware Human Trajectory Prediction 2024-08-07 13 pages, 9 figures

Graph Neural Networks

Title Date Comment
An Experimental Comparison of Partitioning Strategies for Distributed Graph Neural Network Training 2024-08-12
To be...

To be published in Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), 25th, March-28th March, 2025

What Ails Generative Structure-based Drug Design: Too Little or Too Much Expressivity? 2024-08-12 25 pages, 11 figures
ARPA: A Novel Hybrid Model for Advancing Visual Word Disambiguation Using Large Language Models and Transformers 2024-08-12
Spacetime $E(n)$-Transformer: Equivariant Attention for Spatio-temporal Graphs 2024-08-12
GraphTransfer: A Generic Feature Fusion Framework for Collaborative Filtering 2024-08-11
On zero-shot learning in neural state estimation of power distribution systems 2024-08-11
13 pa...

13 pages, 2 figures, associated source code available at https://gitlab.com/transense/nse-tl-paper

Graph Agent Network: Empowering Nodes with Decentralized Communications Capabilities for Adversarial Resilience 2024-08-11
Swarm-Net: Firmware Attestation in IoT Swarms using Graph Neural Networks and Volatile Memory 2024-08-11 Under Review
An Information-Theoretic Analysis of Temporal GNNs 2024-08-10
To be...

To be presented at Information Theory Workshop 2024

MEEG and AT-DGNN: Improving EEG Emotion Recognition with Music Introducing and Graph-based Learning 2024-08-10
A Laplacian-based Quantum Graph Neural Network for Semi-Supervised Learning 2024-08-10
Path-LLM: A Shortest-Path-based LLM Learning for Unified Graph Representation 2024-08-10 12 pages, 8 figures
Modeling Multi-Step Scientific Processes with Graph Transformer Networks 2024-08-10
Decoding Quantum LDPC Codes Using Graph Neural Networks 2024-08-09

Accepted for GLOBECOM 2024

Federated Hypergraph Learning with Hyperedge Completion 2024-08-09