zezic / ZZC

VCV Rack plugin pack
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Phaseque in VCV2 #93

Open ngriaznov opened 2 years ago

ngriaznov commented 2 years ago

Will there be an upgrade for Phaseque available for VCV2? It is my favorite sequencer in VCV.

DomiKamu commented 1 year ago

January 2023: no news about (paid) Phaseque for VCV Rack 2... all free ZZC was ported to Rack v2.

@ZZC (Sergey): if you'll need help for v2 port of Phaseque, I propose to do it (I precise I'm customer).

zezic commented 1 year ago

Hi @ngriaznov and @DomiKamu!

At first, I'm sorry for long delay. And of course, it's not only you asking about the state of Phaseque porting. At almost every weekend I feel duty to complete the port and deliver it for all other users who bought the license for the module (I'm managing a little local VCV-related community chat room, so it's hard to forgot about VCV and that I have an unfinished project for it).

Currently Phaseque is almost ported to VCV2. After last time I worked on it it only left to do the proper mapping and proper undo-redo history support for non-standard Phaseque controls (which are the X-Y controllers on the right side of the UI).

About delays and long silence: sometimes, when I'm asked about something on the Web I immediately start to work on the question/issue to return with some meaningful statement or at least with estimations right in my first answer to that question/issue. But if for some reason I'm facing a problem when working on the solution or doing a research I can postpone the answer for it to the near "future", because, who knows, maybe I only need another 2 days to return with the victory and solve the issue. So, when that "future" moment shifts further and further as I'm doing (or not doing) any progress the situation gradually can reach such state that I put the task on the far shelf in the hopes that I will return for it on my upcoming vacation or another weekend, but it's already feels too late and stupid to return with unsuccessful results to the person who asked about the thing because hey, it's only left to do that little thing and it will be done... Gradually the task fades away and comments like yours @DomiKamu or @ngriaznov are giving significant kick and motivate me to finally complete the task.

I think it's some kind of well-known paradoxical psychological behavior and probably not only me is affected by this type of mental "deadlocks". I hope I will give the Phaseque enough time on this weekend to finish the VCV2 migration and send it to the VCV Library maintainers.

Thank you for bumping this thread and reminding me about the module!

zezic commented 1 year ago

And to @DomiKamu – thank you for offering your help. I'm really appreciate it, but I think that I have to cleanup the mess before going opensource with that project.

Setkias commented 1 year ago

Good to hear from you. Love your modules. It would be nice if Phaseque continues to live on in v2. No pressure ;-)

DomiKamu commented 1 year ago

And to @DomiKamu – thank you for offering your help. I'm really appreciate it, but I think that I have to cleanup the mess before going opensource with that project.

Happy to have (good) news about you! - first you're welcome, as developer I am too (free Ohmer and commercial OhmerPrems plugins), it was normal I propose my help!

Good news if Phaseque remains planned for v2, really I love this sequencer (like many users I guess)!

talbet commented 8 months ago

Any news on this? I just saw the manual on your ZZC site and was really excited to Phaseque, and then realised it wasn't available. But it looks like the most interesting and comprehensive sequencer that has been written for VCV Rack.