Closed CodexisPhantom closed 2 years ago
That's more under the scope of discord.js itself, but to point you in the right direction you'll need to write a custom handler to create the embed with button with a custom id ( Helpful guide for creating embeds with buttons ) then you'll need to modify the code in InteractionCreate.js along the lines of
if (interaction.isButton() && interaction.customId === "roleButton") { // "roleButton" needs to match whatever custom id you give the embed button when creating it
// Give the person who clicked the button the role
await interaction.member.roles.add("roleid");
// Then some sort of feedback that it happened i guess
return interaction.reply({ content: "Role added", ephemeral: true });
That's just a rough aproximation off the top of my head and hasn't been tested is your best source of help. They also have a discord
Thx a lot, It's 6 months I don't code with discord.js and forgot how to do that.
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Question: I want to create an embed with a button and when someone click the button he obtain a discord role. How can I do that ?
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