zfbx / zdiscord

A Discord bot that runs in FiveM for the purpose of whitelisting, moderation and utilties using discord.js
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[Feature Request] Ability to purge discord messages #66

Closed matiasdelbulla closed 2 years ago

matiasdelbulla commented 2 years ago

I think this bot is very good, I have been modifying it so that the commands work with my server (ESX LEGACY), but I would like to know if I could add a purge text command, thus avoiding using another bot in my discord, something like /purge NUMBER, and to delete the messages indicated in the number

zfbx commented 2 years ago

Fairly simple addition to add. I'd check the discord.js docs or guide for more but since I had it on hand here's what I think you're looking for

module.exports = {
    name: "purge",
    description: "Bulk prune / purge messages",
    role: "mod",

    options: [
            name: "amount",
            type: "NUMBER",
            required: true,
            description: "Number of messages to purge",

    run: async (client, interaction, args) => {
        if (args.amount > 100 || args.amount < 2) return interaction.reply({ content: "You can only delete between 2 and 100 messages at a time", ephermeral: true });
        await interaction.channel.messages.fetch({ limit: args.amount }).catch();
        await interaction.channel.bulkDelete(args.amount, true).catch(console.error);
        return interaction.reply({ content: `Deleted ${args.amount} messages.`, ephemeral: true });

Note: it's set to mod role here and there's a limit to 100 messages max from the discord api. *Also you can probably safely remove await interaction.channel.messages.fetch({ limit: args.amount }).catch(); I only do it cause I my bot logs deleted messages and it can't if they're not cached with discord.js so it fetches them beforehand.

zfbx commented 2 years ago

I assume from your silence this worked for you? closing.