zfbx / zdiscord

A Discord bot that runs in FiveM for the purpose of whitelisting, moderation and utilties using discord.js
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hit a 429 #84

Open sielski666 opened 1 year ago

sielski666 commented 1 year ago

the bot started acting strange and when i started it with logs its hitting a 429 error

zfbx commented 1 year ago

That means you hit a rate limit with discord. were you pushing a LOT of logs really quickly? discord isn't great to use for logging EVERYTHING really just important things like large monetary transactions, specific items, actions and such

sielski666 commented 1 year ago

I’ve been using your bot and jd_logs. I’ve had some problems setting up my fiveM server but all I’ve been doing is using the commands for both bots.

yours for whitelisting and server admin testing and the other is a bot for logs such as shooting, damage, logging in and out

zfbx commented 1 year ago

So by shooting do you mean a log is sent every time a bullet is fired? so if there's a shootout or use of a machinegun or something it's sending 10-20 logs per second? cause logs like that can have your ip banned from the discord api for abuse. actions like that you'd want to save to memory temporarily for 30 seconds to a minute and dump all the logs you need in a single log.

sielski666 commented 1 year ago

Sorry I should of been clearer. From the testing I have done and that is with two bots; zdiscord and JD_Logsv3 running at the same time. Since moving to zaphosting the two bots seem to reach rate limit and zdiscord gives out the error about that.

After about two outs the bots will reconnect and work but only at 994/1000 limit. When that is reached they disconnect again.

Since last night I have stopped using the latter bot and only have yours running and I've seen a better stability. However; now there is a Event Code: 4000 now happening.

This is now causing the bot to reconnect and it repeats doing this. I don't know if that's normal for zdiscors to be doing but so far I haven't reached a rate limit.

JD_ logs was the bot that was sending events to certain channels and I feel if I had a busy server that would be spamming a lot ( regardless it's now offline and no longer used ).

Zap hosting typically replied just now to my ticket only seeing the Event Code: 4000 and has totally disregarded the rate limit. I'm about to inform them that it was happening beforehand.

zfbx commented 1 year ago

4000 is an unknown error if it's coming from discord's api o.o really weird you'd get that unless something is wrong on zap? Also could try to reset your token and see if that makes any difference

sielski666 commented 1 year ago

No problem I'll Give that a try and get back to you. Zap are surely going to say it's not them lol.

The funny thing is I have a rocket node server that I moved from and I've got it on there working no problem, same key.

I feel it's zap, they have been getting ddosed lately

sielski666 commented 1 year ago

Also to go with the error 4000 it keeps sending heartbeat if that's anything

zfbx commented 1 year ago

That's normal. The heartbeat is how the script keeps in touch with the bot api and keeps it active, as long as heartbeats keeps pinging every 20 seconds discord keeps the session active. when heartbeats stop it assumes the bot is offline and stops sending events.