zfengg / FractalDraw.jl

A toolkit to generate fractals.
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TODOs #1

Open zfengg opened 3 years ago

zfengg commented 3 years ago

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Check list

johnnychen94 commented 2 years ago

I notice this package doesn't have CI enabled. Maybe you can take a look at julia-runtest for unit test, CompatHelper for automatic compatibility checks, TagBot for automatic release tag creation, and Documenter for documentation. People often just use https://github.com/invenia/PkgTemplates.jl to generate a "standard" julia package layout, which also includes an out-of-box CI setup.

Develop a package IFSs.jl as API to structs of IFS.

It's not recommended to use abbreviations as package names, how about the name IterativeFunctions? Many Julia packages use the plural form as package name, e.g., OffsetArrays implement an array type OffsetArray.

zfengg commented 2 years ago

@johnnychen94 Thanks a lot for the suggestions and I will consider the more expressive name IterativeFunctionSystems.jl.