zfsonlinux / pkg-zfs

Native ZFS packaging for Debian and Ubuntu
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Error while upgrading debian testing "Unknown Debian GNU/Linux version!" #160

Closed mroark1m closed 8 years ago

mroark1m commented 9 years ago

I ran apt-get upgrade today on my debian testing system with zfs already installed, and I got this:

... Setting up zfsonlinux (6) ... Unknown Debian GNU/Linux version! Can not create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zfsonlinux.list. See /usr/share/doc/zfsonlinux/zfsonlinux.list. dpkg: error processing package zfsonlinux (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) root@huey:~#

(This was initially posted here: https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/issues/3579)

atoponce commented 8 years ago

Getting the same problem here.

FransUrbo commented 8 years ago

Because you're running testing, which isn't supported, I'm not going to do anything about this. There is no package that is supported to run on testing (and I don't have the time, interest nor resources to create packages for it).

I'll leave this open for now, just as reference….

mroark1m commented 8 years ago

Hi, It was working on testing up until Jessie became stable. So you were supporting jessie when it was testing? But then support for testing ceased when testing changed from jessie to stretch?

At some point testing will become stable, so don't you need to support testing at least minimally in order to support the next stable version when it is released? Or zfs is going to go away on a jessie upgrade when jessie is no longer the current release? Or at some partially arbitrary point in the future you will begin to support stretch?

I don't think I'm asking for official testing support so much as not to be excluded by the package depending on the name/version of the distribution and failing trivially if it isn't in the blessed list... Just want a little freedom to continue to test without hacking it up unnecessarily.

If you can give a clue where the rule is that is getting broken, I would be grateful. I couldn't find it, but I'm not too well versed in debian packaging... for now I can try to make a local version and share a patch for like-minded folks...

FransUrbo commented 8 years ago

I technically never supported 'testing'. I supported "unstable". A FROZEN unstable at that! VERY, very different!

Also, with only minor luck, ZoL will be officially in Debian GNU/Linux from stretch. It's already more than half way there. And once it IS accepted, I will cease all packaging in the ZoL name…

Fixing the package to support testing, unstable or any other version of the dist that I don't build packages for will look like I'm supporting that version. The fact that it fails to detect the version is the very reason for all of this! It will tell anyone trying to install package(s) on that version that it is NOT supported and WILL not be supported! Similarly, telling you where to go look for the problem will indicate the same...

Just because you currently are able to install the packages that is there, doesn't mean that you'll continue to do that in a weeks time… Testing is simply to fluent for this to be possible for very long.

You're on your own; if you "can't hack it", then stay out. Harsh, but that's the sentiment I'm trying to make…

Also, IF you start telling people how to get around all this, make DARN sure to make a note that I will NOT, IN ANY WAY (yes, caps!!) support this! People kept installing my zfs-initramfs package on all kinds of Ubuntu systems! It worked for quite a while, but eventually, the differences where to much and it messed up large parts of their system… My reply was: "Told ya'!"

mroark1m commented 8 years ago

So to be clear, there will be no support for zfsonlinux users on any future versions of debian past jessie? Any sounds like no help in upgrading to stretch either?

I doubt I can 'hack it' to migrate my system to a completely different build of zfs, no. So that's probably the end of zfs for me regardless of this issue. Thanks.

FransUrbo commented 8 years ago

So to be clear, there will be no support for zfsonlinux users on any future versions of debian past jessie?

That's not what I said. I said: "And once it IS accepted [into Debian GNU/Linux official repositories], I will cease all packaging in the ZoL name". I doubt I can 'hack it' to migrate my system to a completely different build of zfs, no. So that's probably the end of zfs for me regardless of this issue. Thanks.

If you want to put words in my mouth, be my guest - "you're welcome".

mroark1m commented 8 years ago

I'm not trying to put words in your mouth. Just looking for clarification. Sorry if I'm upsetting you.

So once it is accepted (if it is, sounds great), then you or someone will be packaging in the debian name and so stretch will likely be supported at that point? You did say it would be supported from stretch. In that case will upgrades from jessie zfsonlinux to debian zfs be supported?

FransUrbo commented 8 years ago

So once it is accepted (if it is, sounds great), then you or someone will be packaging in the debian name and so stretch will likely be supported at that point?


Also, I am one of three guys doing the official Debian GNU/Linux packaging - Carlos (Alberto Lopez Perez), Aron (Xu) and me.

You did say it would be supported from stretch.

Technically I didn't say that exactly. I said "with only minor luck" - "shit happens" unfortunately

It's a bit of a history and I'm not going to recite all of that here, but needless to say, it's very, very close to be available in the Debian GNU/Linux FTP archives. Technically, it should already be (it was way to late for Jessie - it was frozen at the time), but for some minor issues, it's not [available just yet].

In that case will upgrades from jessie zfsonlinux to debian zfs be supported?

Yes. In one way or the other, we'll make sure that that upgrade path is supported.

Most likely (hopefully - it would be a shame to waste all the work I've already done on this), we'll use the (dailies) packages I'm currently providing for/in the ZoL name as our official Debian GNU/Linux packages.

Aron, Carlos and I just have to agree on all parts (I'm doing a couple of things that might not be … "kosher" in an official package).

mroark1m commented 8 years ago

Perfect, sounds like all I need to do is wait and see then, and maybe I can just upgrade a bit later. I would close it now as expected, but you said you want to leave it open.

It was a bit surprising to have this happen, since from user perspective they haven't changed anything (started on testing, stayed on testing, upgrade, boom). But I guess its unlikely for anyone to have it happen by accident now that this change is there since they would not be able to install in the first place. This would only affect the installed base, and those are folks like me on testing who anyway get what they signed up for by using testing.

Thanks for supporting zfs on linux, I really appreciate it.

atoponce commented 8 years ago

I haven't done Debian packaging in a while, but I hit a similar issue when building a .deb, and it turned out to be a simple line change in debian/rules for supporting testing/unstable IIRC. In reality, the package itself isn't any different on stable than on unstable, other than the kernels that it may need to support.

tobox commented 8 years ago

I desperately needed zfs on my debian testing to recover some files, and after replacing the contents of /etc/debian_version with the string "8.1" the whole install went throught smoothly. Creating zpool and zfs worked. YMMW.

atoponce commented 8 years ago

@tobox Perfect work around!

# cp /etc/debian_version{,.orig}
# echo "8.1" > /etc/debian_version
# apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
# cp /etc/debian_version{.orig,}
tobox commented 8 years ago

IIRC, the failing step was dpkg, not apt. I don't think you need the -n for echo, either.

Am 12. August 2015 17:45:16 MESZ, schrieb Aaron Toponce notifications@github.com:

@tobox Perfect work around!

cp /etc/debian_version{,.orig}

echo -n "8.1" > /etc/debian_version

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

cp /etc/debian_version{.orig,}

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/zfsonlinux/pkg-zfs/issues/160#issuecomment-130349042

Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-Mobiltelefon mit K-9 Mail gesendet.

atoponce commented 8 years ago

apt(8) is a front-end to dpkg(8) that automatically handles dependencies. On every update, apt(8) will exit with a non-zero status that setting up the "zfsonlinux" package failed. And yes, the "-n" isn't needed, but the file by default doesn't have a newline also. Might as well stick with default.

tobox commented 8 years ago

I just wrote the other anwer on a mobile device, so to be more precise:

Following the instructions on http://zfsonlinux.org/debian.html, the above mentioned problem already occurs at the step "dpkg -i zfsonlinux_6_all.deb".

And on all my servers, the debian_version file contains a newline, which I think is correct.

atoponce commented 8 years ago

Not on any of mine:

$ grep '\n' /etc/debian_version
$ echo $?
tobox commented 8 years ago

Still not convinced:

 tobox@qnap:~$ grep '\n' /etc/debian_version
 tobox@qnap:~$ echo $?
 tobox@qnap:~$ hd /etc/debian_version
 00000000  73 74 72 65 74 63 68 2f  73 69 64 0a              |stretch/sid.|
 tobox@qnap:~$ echo -n stretch/sid > /tmp/x
 tobox@qnap:~$ hd /tmp/x
 00000000  73 74 72 65 74 63 68 2f  73 69 64                 |stretch/sid|
 tobox@qnap:~$ echo stretch/sid > /tmp/x
 tobox@qnap:~$ hd /tmp/x
 00000000  73 74 72 65 74 63 68 2f  73 69 64 0a              |stretch/sid.|
atoponce commented 8 years ago

Interesting. Looks like you're right. My grep(1) command also doesn't behave as expected. Shrug.

FransUrbo commented 8 years ago

Just remember, anyone doing it this way: Don't come crying when shit hits the fan! And yes, I did say when! You have been amply warned. Several times!

FransUrbo commented 8 years ago

Closing this as "won't fix" - this error is by design. And anyone using the workaround WILL be on their own!

julian1 commented 8 years ago

Building from source is almost certainly better than blindly installing apt/dpkg binaries for another debian version. It's still unsupported and hacky but at least you get compile-time guarantees. The guide at http://zfsonlinux.org/generic-deb.html worked for me with sid/testing/stretch

one-github commented 8 years ago

Absolutely agree with @julian1. The manual is short and precise and it worked right out of the box for me. Why take the verbal abuse here?

vischia commented 8 years ago

Hi @FransUrbo ,

I am OK with the "won't fix" solution: after all, you are the developer.

However, you justified that solution with the debian package being planned for release within the official stretch packages.

Unfortunately, the package is still not included in the official debian release, I guess because of "minor luck" issues. From this follows that the solution should be probably revisited, since the conditions changed.

In any case, I am sure that the community would at least appreciate some update on the release plans, since basically what you promised did not happen. It would be nice to know which are the concrete possibilities for the ZoL package to be accepted within Debian, to date.


FransUrbo commented 8 years ago

Nothing have changed - I don't support anything else but Jessie and Wheezy. Period! And anyone installing this on something other than that is on their own, hence my last comment (https://github.com/zfsonlinux/pkg-zfs/issues/160#issuecomment-142585451) is still valid.

vischia commented 8 years ago

That's fine, ultimately it is your decision. However, could you please elaborate on what is missing for ZoL to be accepted into Debian?

One year ago it was "almost into stretch", but it is not yet in testing nor in unstable nor in experimental, at the moment.

It is normal that shit happens and plans get delayed, and there is nothing bad in that, but it would be nice on your part to share some information/forecast with the community :)


FransUrbo commented 8 years ago

That's fine, ultimately it is your decision. However, could you please elaborate on what is missing for ZoL to be accepted into Debian?

Just the final decision by the FTP maintainers. The legal issues seems to be sorted and then they had some problem with missing licenses information. That was sorted a couple of weeks ago.

Now it's just waiting for another round and see what they say this time..

It is normal that shit happens and plans get delayed, and there is nothing bad in that, but it would be nice on your part to share some information/forecast with the community :)

There's so many places where this is already discussed, so it would be pointless to keep everyone HERE up to date as well. Google it.

FransUrbo commented 8 years ago

Just a FYI, I'm currently laying the final touches of the auto builder I've been planning and promising for the last two-three years and that will build Wheezy, Jessie and Sid, both released and dailies (every time brian commits to spl/zfs, it will build new packages).

I'm hoping to have this finished in the next few days. It's now built all the twelve (!!) packages, I just need to verify that it did it correctly. And that might take a few days extra.

I'm also considering to build my packages on Ubuntu. Adding four new Ubuntu versions (from Trusty to Wily) shouldn't be much of a problem (final last words? :).

jwise commented 7 years ago

Where did we land on this? I bounced off of this today.

FransUrbo commented 7 years ago

Because ZoL is now officially in Debian GNU/Linux, the ZoL repo is dead and buried (ZoL repo deleted). It won't resurrect - no point in duplicating the work.

vischia commented 7 years ago


thank you for your effort in pushing for the inclusion in Debian!

I have installed it on a few machines already lately, but had always to resort to the ZoL repo on the Debian release previous to ZoL inclusion and later upgrade to the most recent one (even last week), because it looks like in the most recent Debian installer it is not yet supported ZFS for an installation from scratch.

Do you know when this feature will be available?

Thanks in advance, and sorry for keeping this thread active :)

Cheers, Pietro

2016-09-12 12:07 GMT+02:00 Turbo Fredriksson notifications@github.com:

Because ZoL is now officially in Debian GNU/Linux, the ZoL repo is dead and buried (ZoL repo deleted). It won't resurrect - no point in duplicating the work.

— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/zfsonlinux/pkg-zfs/issues/160#issuecomment-246304321, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AEBGqEl7gi4504fkgzPOmH48lL_XjtbCks5qpSR2gaJpZM4FVVXs .

Dr. Pietro Vischia Universidad de Oviedo - Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias, Calvo Sotelo s/n, 33007 Oviedo, España mobiles: 0034 666 986 616 (ES), 00351 96 724 9239 (PT) office: 0034 985 103 383 mail: pietro.vischia@cern.ch pietro.vischia@gmail.com skype: rambling_hadron

FransUrbo commented 7 years ago

Probably never :(. The general opinion is that distributing binary kernel modules is NOT allowed according to the CDDL. Ubuntu have chosen to challenge that, but I'm not sure what the outcome will be.

If this ever gets a resolution in favour of distributing binary modules, then I already have the work done for including ZoL support in the Debian GNU/Linux installer.

vischia commented 7 years ago

Uh, on one side I understand the point of the CDDL, but on the practical side that's kind of a pain :(

So, I guess that one will have to go through a live CD (which is not yet available on testing, for example, thus forcing to the stable release + later upgrade) and still follow your instructions; but replacing the package installing the repo ( http://archive.zfsonlinux.org/debian/pool/main/z/zfsonlinux/zfsonlinux_6_all.deb ) with the installation of the in-release packages, is that correct?

Thanks for the quick answer!

Cheers, Pietro

2016-09-12 12:41 GMT+02:00 Turbo Fredriksson notifications@github.com:

Probably never :(. The general opinion is that distributing binary kernel modules is NOT allowed according to the CDDL. Ubuntu have chosen to challenge that, but I'm not sure what the outcome will be.

If this ever gets a resolution in favour of distributing binary modules, then I already have the work done for including ZoL support in the Debian GNU/Linux installer.

— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/zfsonlinux/pkg-zfs/issues/160#issuecomment-246311089, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AEBGqN9ErhVHvxXRjtqrqPAAANIlBfxvks5qpSxwgaJpZM4FVVXs .

Dr. Pietro Vischia Universidad de Oviedo - Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias, Calvo Sotelo s/n, 33007 Oviedo, España mobiles: 0034 666 986 616 (ES), 00351 96 724 9239 (PT) office: 0034 985 103 383 mail: pietro.vischia@cern.ch pietro.vischia@gmail.com skype: rambling_hadron

FransUrbo commented 7 years ago

I thought the repo (http://archive.zfsonlinux.org/debian) had already been deleted! It will "very shortly" though! So unfortunately, you're soon F'ed :(.

If you actual need to do this on a regular basis, I recommend you get a local copy of the repo right now, before it vanishes!

@behlendorf You asked me last week about this, is it happening soon-ish?

behlendorf commented 7 years ago

@FransUrbo let's make this as smooth a transition as possible. We should be able to leave the existing repository in place for a while and just no longer update it. Can you please update the documentation on the wiki, https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/wiki/Debian, to reflect the new preferred way to install ZFS for Debian now that's it's in the distribution.