zfsonlinux / pkg-zfs

Native ZFS packaging for Debian and Ubuntu
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No supported way to have a ZFS root on Debian #216

Closed rpglover64 closed 7 years ago

rpglover64 commented 7 years ago

Instructions here suggest using the http://archive.zfsonlinux.org/debian repository, but https://github.com/zfsonlinux/pkg-zfs/issues/213#issuecomment-251149202 suggests that this repository is deprecated.

The version of ZFS in the Debian repos is tied to a version of grub which apparently does not support ZFS root and requires a patch: http://list.zfsonlinux.org/pipermail/zfs-discuss/2016-October/026454.html

I could be missing something, but it seems that there is currently no supported way.

rpglover64 commented 7 years ago

Or... Something was wrong with my grub command line and everything works now.