zfy68 / gitblog

Blog, read, think, write, and dream!
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Open zfy68 opened 1 year ago

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

阿什利·万斯 (Ashlee Vance) 专栏作家

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

a fly whose buzzing had been driving me insane

the townspeople have a sturdy independence

the government's chief adviser

no man is so evil as to be beyond redemption

bust out I was mesmerized: she looked so incredible

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

his health will no longer enable him to sustain the heavy burdens of office

they equated the railroad with progress and civilization

well-intentioned dreamer

hyperlogical worldviews

the film is seriously intentioned and honorable in purpose

I have broadened my worldview by experiencing a whole new culture

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

techno-utopian it is easy to dismiss this as naive or utopian a utopian ideology

the managing director and his assistant loyal service they treat Scotland as a mere appendage of England

some kind of architectural boring rectangle movement

Wootton Bassett has retained much of its architectural heritage

Los Angeles Clippers Los Angeles Lakers

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

high-profile : attracting much attention or publicity.

the money was spent without congressional authority

an officer in uniform their goggle mesmerizes even fishmongers it is not capable of mathematical demonstration

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

there is no issue as to excess of jurisdiction

he attempted to plead insanity

expected to pull all-nighters

wear a dirt-inspired ensemble of khaki pants、khaki jackets the pale khaki sand

the company's failure to diversify and innovate competitively

may I venture to add a few comments?

Warsaw is the capital of Poland

Silicon Valley

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

assassin creed

his blackly comic futuristic fantasy

issues of race and national identity

a show of independence is its only hope of avoiding annihilation in next year's elections

she's both sensitive and tough

a cold compress

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

he went to the cathedral because he chose to worship in a spiritually inspiring building

the essence of steampunk is homage to vintage fashion with a modern, sassy twist

a samurai sword

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

Its principal advantage, and a major difference from other methods, is that it provides you with constant positive reinforcement.

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

a military historian

big, muscular, athletic boys

the company is heavily reliant on the baby market

neither did she want a secret affair, snatching odd moments together

calf-ropers are the whiz-kids of rodeo


zfy68 commented 1 year ago

individual serving dishes

the unnecessary bureaucracy in local government

a gaggle of meddlesome politicians

a single incident of rudeness does not support a finding of contemptuous conduct

there was a tremendous explosion

you want to flip for it?

species were grouped according to pollution tolerance

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

a mechanical and electrical engineer

retail complexes residential subdivisions

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

the interrelationship between the comprehension and production of early vocabulary

surge pricing is algorithmic and responds automatically to the large increase in demand

he dismissed the allegation as absolute fiction

comic and fantastic exaggeration

a plowed field

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

high-tech digital photographic equipment

encyclopedias : a book or set of books giving information on many subjects or on many aspects of one subject and typically arranged alphabetically

strong affectionate attachment to his siblings and cousins a happy and affectionate family

this young man is my good genius, my guardian angel

a portrait of George III

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

one in three marriages ends in divorce

the team's defense is excellent, particularly their two center backs

read from cover to cover

from time to time / sometimes

this disorder is inherited as a dominant

some enterprising teachers have started their own recycling programs

profound social changes

the place smelled awful

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

accomplish : achieve or complete successfully.

the corresponding Jamaican word is ‘bada’

atoms which possess an odd number of electrons

The marked-up document clearly highlighted the important sections, making it easier for the team to review and understand the content.

the wealthy nations of the world

a compound of hydrogen and oxygen

their goggle mesmerizes even fishmongers

his formative years

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

the noise from the crowd was incredible

I'm going to motivate kids to study civics

their past record does not inspire confidence

the institution of marriage

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

as a likable , quiet ,unspectacular student : not spectacular; unremarkable

my favorite aunt is very eccentric

the children arrange and rearrange the objects in a set and recount them each time

so you think I'm a spy? How absurd!

academic feats: an achievement that requires great courage, skill, or strength.

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

press coverage

the book is ready to go to press

outrank : have a higher rank than (someone else)

plans offering financial assistance to employers

I need to catch up on some paperwork

the refugees could be granted dual citizenship

escape can be a strong motivation for travel

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

as a young man he joined the military and pursued a career in the Army

I'll clean the basement and shovel the walk

reunite : come together or cause to come together again after a period of separation or disunity

I am headstrong and like getting my own way

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

homemade apple pies

a prominent political thinker and intellectual

she gave him a melting smile

the torrid heat of the afternoon

the romance from The Gadfly became a popular favorite

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

the great books of Western civilization

it's your own fault, chum

his mother was hard-working and ambitious for her four children

her business empire grew

there's an intensity in his eyes that's downright scary

the competitiveness of the agricultural sector

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

Mexico's hybrid postconquest culture

a long and complicated saga

he was ingenious enough to overcome the limited budget

the Boston metropolitan area

he received a rudimentary education

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

his seminal work on chaos theory

investor :a person or organization that puts money into financial plans, property, etc. with the expectation of achieving a profit.

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

a classified catalog of books

in his will, he divided his estate between his wife and daughter

everyone just sits in front of the TV for entertainment

a blockbuster pay-per-view special event

the club's financial predicament

he looks at the mechanics of a car before the bodywork

each man has only a quantum of compassion

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

I am convinced the war will be over in a matter of months

relatively affluent people

a total investment of $50,000

the social and economic infrastructure of a country

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

add the cheeses and butter and process briefly to incorporate them

rumors of prodigious happenings, such as monstrous births

may I venture to add a few comments?

windfall profits

he was gazing into the water with absorbed attention

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

a joint founder

may I venture to add a few comments?

the global economy is essentially capitalist

a promotion to divisional sales director

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

the social and economic infrastructure of a country

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

That's my lesson for taking a vacation. Vacations will kill you.

zfy68 commented 1 year ago

