zgbjgg / rehc

REHC: remote erlang host control
7 stars 0 forks source link

Doesn't work into OS X #1

Open bjimenez opened 11 years ago

bjimenez commented 11 years ago

./configure && make && make install checking for ssh-agent.....yes checking for ssh.....yes checking for erl.....yes checking for run_erl.....yes checking for to_erl.....yes checking for git.....yes checking for rebar.....yes downloading dependencies..... remote: Counting objects: 1873, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (566/566), done. remote: Total 1873 (delta 1393), reused 1722 (delta 1267) Receiving objects: 100% (1873/1873), 490.09 KiB | 556 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (1393/1393), done. creating makefile..... sed: 1: "Makefile": invalid command code M sed: 1: "Makefile": invalid command code M sed: 1: "Makefile": invalid command code M sed: 1: "Makefile": invalid command code M sed: 1: "Makefile": invalid command code M sed: 1: "Makefile": invalid command code M sed: 1: "Makefile": invalid command code M sed: 1: "Makefile": invalid command code M sed: 1: "Makefile": invalid command code M sed: 1: "Makefile": invalid command code M sed: 1: "Makefile": invalid command code M sed: 1: "Makefile": invalid command code M do you want install rehc as service? [y/N]: y sed: 1: "Makefile": invalid command code M sed: 1: "Makefile": invalid command code M done make: *\ No rule to make target <clean', needed byall'. Stop.

zgbjgg commented 11 years ago

Sorry but REHC is designed to work on linux systems, in OS X sed command has some issues because the linux systems use GNU implementation and OS X use BSD which contains issues not resolved, however you can build the system manually with rebar and start the erlang emulator with:

run_erl -daemon PIPES_DIR LOGS_DIR "exec erl -config CONFIG_FILE -args_file ARGS_FILE -pa DEPS/ ebin/ -eval 'application:start(rehc).'"

CONFIG_FILE and ARGS FILE are in etc directory: rehc.config and vm.args respectively