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数据结构--集合 #85

Open zgq105 opened 4 years ago

zgq105 commented 4 years ago

image image 在java中主要有单列集合Collection和双列集合Map。接下来介绍下这两大集合的技术体系。

1. Collection(接口)


1.1 List(接口)


private void ensureExplicitCapacity(int minCapacity) { modCount++;//表示执行次数

    // overflow-conscious code
    if (minCapacity - elementData.length > 0) //扩容机制合法性判断

private void grow(int minCapacity) { // overflow-conscious code int oldCapacity = elementData.length;//数组的长度 int newCapacity = oldCapacity + (oldCapacity >> 1);//(oldCapacity >> 1)是大于或等于0的整数(等于oldCapacity除以2的一次方) if (newCapacity - minCapacity < 0) //比较大小 newCapacity = minCapacity;//如果minCapacity大于newCapacity ,即进行赋值操作 if (newCapacity - MAX_ARRAY_SIZE > 0)//newCapacity 和MAX_ARRAY_SIZE 比较,其中MAX_ARRAY_SIZE =Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8 newCapacity = hugeCapacity(minCapacity);//如果newCapacity大于MAX_ARRAY_SIZE,就交换大小 // minCapacity is usually close to size, so this is a win: elementData = Arrays.copyOf(elementData, newCapacity);//按新的容量大小newCapacity重新生成数组 }

- **LinkedList(类)**:LinkedList是一个双链表实现的集合,同时也是一个双端队列。LinkedList具有增删效率高、查询效率低的特性(链表结构决定);是线程不安全的集合。(继承链:List(接口)-> AbstractCollection(类)-> AbstractList(类)-> AbstractSequentialList(类)-> LinkedList(类))


//双链表的节点 private static class Node { E item; //存储元素本身 Node next; //下一个节点的引用 Node prev;//上一个节点的引用

    Node(Node<E> prev, E element, Node<E> next) {
        this.item = element;
        this.next = next;
        this.prev = prev;

//以添加元素add方法为例 public boolean add(E e) { linkLast(e); return true; }

void linkLast(E e) { final Node l = last; //最后一个节点 final Node newNode = new Node<>(l, e, null);//创建新节点 last = newNode; //新创建的节点赋值给全局变量last if (l == null) first = newNode; //如果最后一个节点为空,说明是第一次添加元素,把newNode当做第一个节点,赋值给全局变量first else l.next = newNode;//如果最后一个节点不为空,把newNode当做最后一个节点next变量的指针。 size++; //集合长度加1 modCount++; //修改数加1 }

- **AttributeList(类)**:AttributeList是属性列表,由于兼容性问题,JDK不推荐使用,平时开发也用的少,是ArrayList的子类。

- **RoleList(类)**:RoleList是角色列表,是用于管理角色对象相关,是ArrayList的子类。示例代码如下:

public static void test() { try { RoleList roleList = new RoleList(); List roleValues = new ArrayList<>(); roleValues.add(new ObjectName("ADD")); roleValues.add(new ObjectName("DELETE")); Role role = new Role("admin", roleValues); roleList.add(role); } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }

- **Vector(类)**:Vector是数组实现的集合,内部支持动态扩容、通过synchronized关键字保证线程安全;Vector具有查询效率高、增删效率低的特性。
- **Stack(类)**:Stack是一个栈模型的类,继承自Vector;提供了基本的入栈(push)、出栈(pop)、查找栈顶元素(peek)、查找元素在栈中位置(search)等方法;是一个线程安全的集合。
- **CopyOnWriteArrayList(类)**:CopyOnWriteArrayList是线程安全的ArrayList,其内部是数组实现,支持动态扩容(通过数组拷贝方式),通过独占锁ReentrantLock实现线程安全。在源码中,只要是写操作的方法都会通过Copy+ReentrantLock来实现动态扩容和线程安全,以源码中add方法为例,如下图所示:

public boolean add(E e) { final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock; lock.lock();//加锁 try { Object[] elements = getArray();//获取原始数组 int len = elements.length;//获取原始数组长度 Object[] newElements = Arrays.copyOf(elements, len + 1);//通过拷贝的方式创建新数组,新数组长度+1 newElements[len] = e;//给新数组最后一个元素赋值 setArray(newElements);//设置回全局的数组变量 return true; } finally { lock.unlock();//释放锁 } }

## 1.2 Set(接口)
- **HashSet(类)**:HashSet是一个哈希算法实现的无序集合,内部是通过HashMap实现,非线程安全的类。(继承链:Set -> AbstractSet -> HashSet)如下图所示(部分源码):

private transient HashMap<E,Object> map; //HashSet中的HashMap全局变量map,用于HashSet的增、删、查等操作

// Dummy value to associate with an Object in the backing Map
private static final Object PRESENT = new Object();

public boolean add(E e) {
    return map.put(e, PRESENT)==null;

- **JobStateReasons(类)**:JobStateReasons是一个保存作业状态的集合类,继承自HashSet,非线程安全类。使用示例代码如下:
    JobStateReasons jobStateReasons=new JobStateReasons();
    JobStateReason jobStateReason=JobStateReason.JOB_COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS;
    JobStateReason jobStateReason2=JobStateReason.JOB_CANCELED_BY_USER;
- **LinkedHashSet(类)**:LinkedHashSet是一个双链表加哈希表实现的有序的集合,线程不安全的类。(继承链:Set ->AbstractSet -> HashSet -> LinkedHashSet)部分源码分析如下:

//LinkedHashSet.java public LinkedHashSet() { super(16, .75f, true); }

//HashSet.java HashSet(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor, boolean dummy) { map = new LinkedHashMap<>(initialCapacity, loadFactor); //从调用来看源码中使用的是LinkedHashMap类来实现的集合操作 }

- **ConcurrentSkipListSet(类)**:ConcurrentSkipListSet是线程安全的类,内部通过ConcurrentSkipListMap来实现集合的增删查操作,是一个有序的集合,不允许添加null元素;默认是自然顺序(升序),同时可以通过实现接口Comparator进行自定义排序。(ConcurrentSkipListMap内部通过CAS保证线程安全,继承链:Set -> AbstractSet -> ConcurrentSkipListSet)
    ConcurrentSkipListSet concurrentSkipListSet=new ConcurrentSkipListSet();
    Iterator iterator= concurrentSkipListSet.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()){

//自定义排序 public class ConcurrentSkipListSetTest {

public static void test() {
    ConcurrentSkipListSet concurrentSkipListSet = new ConcurrentSkipListSet(new Person());
    concurrentSkipListSet.add(new Person(32));
    concurrentSkipListSet.add(new Person(15));
    concurrentSkipListSet.add(new Person(22));
    Iterator<Person> iterator = concurrentSkipListSet.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Person person = iterator.next();

static final class Person implements Comparator {

    public Person() {

    public Person(int age) {
        this.age = age;

    private int age;

    public int getAge() {
        return age;

    public void setAge(int age) {
        this.age = age;

    public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
        Person p1 = (Person) o1;
        Person p2 = (Person) o2;
        return p2.getAge() - p1.getAge();//降序


- **CopyOnWriteArraySet(类)**:CopyOnWriteArraySet是数组实现的Set集合,准确的说是通过类CopyOnWriteArrayList来实现集合中的增删查操作;因此,CopyOnWriteArraySet是一个线程安全的集合,适合有大量查询操作和少量写操作的应用场景,因为CopyOnWriteArrayList内部写操作是通过数组拷贝和ReentrantLock控制,而读操作就不加锁。(继承链:Set -> AbstractSet -> CopyOnWriteArraySet)

- **EnumSet(类)**:EnumSet是一个用于管理枚举类型的集合,是一个抽象类;其内部定义大量的静态工厂方法来操作枚举类型元素,是一个非线程安全的抽象类。(继承链:Set -> AbstractSet -> EnumSet)

package collection.set;

import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Iterator;

public class EnumSetTest {

public static void test() {
    EnumSet<Color> enumSet = EnumSet.allOf(Color.class);
    Iterator<Color> iterator = enumSet.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Color color = iterator.next();

static enum Color {



- **TreeSet(类)**:TreeSet是一个通过TreeMap来实现的一个有序的集合Set,默认是自然顺序,即升序,同时可以通过实现接口Comparator进行自定义排序。TreeSet是一个非线程安全的类。(继承链:Set -> AbstractSet -> TreeSet)
    TreeSet treeSet=new TreeSet();
    Iterator iterator= treeSet.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()){

//通过实现接口Comparator自定义排序 package collection.set;

import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.TreeSet;

public class TreeSetTest { public static void test() { TreeSet treeSet = new TreeSet(new Person()); treeSet.add(new Person(12)); treeSet.add(new Person(20)); treeSet.add(new Person(50)); Iterator iterator = treeSet.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Person person = iterator.next(); System.out.println(person.getAge());//依次输出50、20、12 } }

static final class Person implements Comparator {

    public Person() {

    public Person(int age) {
        this.age = age;

    private int age;

    public int getAge() {
        return age;

    public void setAge(int age) {
        this.age = age;

    public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
        Person p1 = (Person) o1;
        Person p2 = (Person) o2;
        return p2.getAge() - p1.getAge();//降序


# 2. Map(接口)
- **HashMap(类):** HashMap是一个通过哈希表实现的集合(数组方式实现),通过键值对的形式来存取数据,键和值都允许传null;HashMap是非线程安全的类。接下来分析HashMap源码是怎样工作的,如下:


transient Node<K,V>[] table; //全局表对象 static class Node<K,V> implements Map.Entry<K,V> { final int hash; //哈希值 final K key; //键 V value; //值 Node<K,V> next; //下一个节点引用

    Node(int hash, K key, V value, Node<K,V> next) {
        this.hash = hash;
        this.key = key;
        this.value = value;
        this.next = next;

    public final K getKey()        { return key; }
    public final V getValue()      { return value; }
    public final String toString() { return key + "=" + value; }

    public final int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hashCode(key) ^ Objects.hashCode(value);

    public final V setValue(V newValue) {
        V oldValue = value;
        value = newValue;
        return oldValue;

    public final boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (o == this)
            return true;
        if (o instanceof Map.Entry) {
            Map.Entry<?,?> e = (Map.Entry<?,?>)o;
            if (Objects.equals(key, e.getKey()) &&
                Objects.equals(value, e.getValue()))
                return true;
        return false;
** HashMap中put方法解析**

public V put(K key, V value) { return putVal(hash(key), key, value, false, true); }

//根据key生成hash值 static final int hash(Object key) { int h; return (key == null) ? 0 : (h = key.hashCode()) ^ (h >>> 16); }

//根据hash、key、value进行的实质的写操作 final V putVal(int hash, K key, V value, boolean onlyIfAbsent, boolean evict) { Node<K,V>[] tab; Node<K,V> p; int n, i; if ((tab = table) == null || (n = tab.length) == 0) //判断table是否为空 n = (tab = resize()).length; //初始化table或者调整table大小 if ((p = tab[i = (n - 1) & hash]) == null) //根据索引判断数组中元素是否为null tab[i] = newNode(hash, key, value, null); //创建表节点,并给table中的元素赋值 else { //这个分支处理hash值重复问题 Node<K,V> e; K k; if (p.hash == hash && ((k = p.key) == key || (key != null && key.equals(k)))) e = p; else if (p instanceof TreeNode) e = ((TreeNode<K,V>)p).putTreeVal(this, tab, hash, key, value); else { for (int binCount = 0; ; ++binCount) { if ((e = p.next) == null) { p.next = newNode(hash, key, value, null); if (binCount >= TREEIFY_THRESHOLD - 1) // -1 for 1st treeifyBin(tab, hash); break; } if (e.hash == hash && ((k = e.key) == key || (key != null && key.equals(k)))) break; p = e; } } if (e != null) { // existing mapping for key V oldValue = e.value; //获取旧的值 if (!onlyIfAbsent || oldValue == null) //判断是否为覆盖模式,由onlyIfAbsent控制 e.value = value; //将新的值覆盖旧的值 afterNodeAccess(e); return oldValue; } } ++modCount; //记录修改记录 if (++size > threshold) //判断表大小是否超过阀值,threshold是一个阀值 resize(); //调整表大小 afterNodeInsertion(evict); return null; }


    public V get(Object key) {
        Node<K,V> e;
        return (e = getNode(hash(key), key)) == null ? null : e.value; //这里hash(key)和以上put中使用的是同一个哈希函数(散列函数)

    final Node<K,V> getNode(int hash, Object key) {
        Node<K,V>[] tab; Node<K,V> first, e; int n; K k;
        if ((tab = table) != null && (n = tab.length) > 0 &&
            (first = tab[(n - 1) & hash]) != null) {//根据(n - 1) & hash获取表中元素,使用的规则和put写入的规则保持一致
            if (first.hash == hash && // always check first node
                ((k = first.key) == key || (key != null && key.equals(k))))
                return first; //如果满足条件,则返回表中查找到的元素
            if ((e = first.next) != null) {
                if (first instanceof TreeNode)
                    return ((TreeNode<K,V>)first).getTreeNode(hash, key);
                do {
                    if (e.hash == hash &&
                        ((k = e.key) == key || (key != null && key.equals(k))))
                        return e;
                } while ((e = e.next) != null);
        return null;

- **LinkedHashMap(类):** LinkedHashMap是一个由哈希表和双链表实现的Map集合,具有迭代的有序性,允许键和值传null;它是一个非线程安全的类。(继承链:HashMap -> LinkedHashMap)



static class Entry<K,V> extends HashMap.Node<K,V> { //继承HashMap.Node Entry<K,V> before, after; //双链表结构每个元素保存上一个和下一个元素的引用 Entry(int hash, K key, V value, Node<K,V> next) { super(hash, key, value, next); } }


//这个方法是HashMap中的方法 public V put(K key, V value) { return putVal(hash(key), key, value, false, true); }

//这个方法是HashMap中的方法 final V putVal(int hash, K key, V value, boolean onlyIfAbsent, boolean evict) { Node<K,V>[] tab; Node<K,V> p; int n, i; if ((tab = table) == null || (n = tab.length) == 0) n = (tab = resize()).length; if ((p = tab[i = (n - 1) & hash]) == null) tab[i] = newNode(hash, key, value, null);//newNode()是调用LinkedHashMap中的方法 else { Node<K,V> e; K k; ........省略部分代码 }

//LinkedHashMap中重写父类HashMap中的方法 Node<K,V> newNode(int hash, K key, V value, Node<K,V> e) { LinkedHashMap.Entry<K,V> p = new LinkedHashMap.Entry<K,V>(hash, key, value, e); linkNodeLast(p); //添加新节点到链表中 return p; }

//添加节点到链表最后 private void linkNodeLast(LinkedHashMap.Entry<K,V> p) { LinkedHashMap.Entry<K,V> last = tail; //tail表示链表尾巴节点 tail = p; if (last == null) head = p; else { p.before = last; last.after = p; } }


public V get(Object key) { Node<K,V> e; if ((e = getNode(hash(key), key)) == null) //这里调用父类HashMap中的getNode方法 return null; if (accessOrder) //accessOrder表示访问顺序,true表示集合按访问的顺序迭代,true表示按元素添加的顺序迭代 afterNodeAccess(e); return e.value; }


//LinkedHashMap构造方法 public LinkedHashMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor, boolean accessOrder) {//accessOrder表示访问顺序,true表示集合按访问的顺序迭代,true表示按元素添加的顺序迭代 super(initialCapacity, loadFactor); this.accessOrder = accessOrder; }

//将访问的元素移到链表最后 void afterNodeAccess(Node<K,V> e) { // move node to last LinkedHashMap.Entry<K,V> last;//最后的元素 if (accessOrder && (last = tail) != e) { LinkedHashMap.Entry<K,V> p = (LinkedHashMap.Entry<K,V>)e, b = p.before, a = p.after; //p表示当前操作的元素,b表示p的前一个元素节点,a表示p的后一个元素节点 p.after = null; //移到链表最后,after指针置为null if (b == null) head = a; //表示当前访问的元素是第一个元素,交换指针,把a变成链表第一个元素 else b.after = a;//不是第一个元素,交换位置 if (a != null) a.before = b;//不是最后一个元素,交换位置 else last = b;//这个分支不会执行 if (last == null) head = p;//当前元素就是第一个元素 else { p.before = last; //和最后一个元素交换位置 last.after = p; } tail = p; //当前元素变成链表最后 ++modCount; //修改记录数+1 }

**说明:将accessOrder设置为true,便可以实现类似LRU caches的业务场景。越后面访问过的元素就越在链表的后面,最后访问的元素,会出现在链表的末尾。**


- **PrinterStateReasons(类):** PrinterStateReasons是一个管理打印状态的Map集合,是一个非线程安全的类,继承自HashMap,日常工作中也很少使用。
    PrinterStateReasons printerStateReasons = new PrinterStateReasons();
    printerStateReasons.put(PrinterStateReason.MEDIA_NEEDED, Severity.ERROR);
    printerStateReasons.put(PrinterStateReason.MEDIA_JAM, Severity.REPORT);
    printerStateReasons.put(PrinterStateReason.MOVING_TO_PAUSED, Severity.WARNING);
- **EnumMap(类):** EnumMap是一个专门管理键(key)是枚举类型的Map,不允许键为null,允许值(value)为空;内部通过数组实现,是一个线程不安全的类;迭代器输出的顺序由枚举常量的先后顺序决定。(继承链:Map -> AbstractMap -> EnumMap)


public EnumMap(Class keyType) { this.keyType = keyType; //keyType是枚举类型,K extends Enum keyUniverse = getKeyUniverse(keyType);//获取枚举类 vals = new Object[keyUniverse.length]; //根据枚举类的元素个数创建数组 }


public V put(K key, V value) { typeCheck(key); //检查key类型是否为枚举类型

    int index = key.ordinal(); //获取key的序列
    Object oldValue = vals[index];//根据索引index获取数组中元素
    vals[index] = maskNull(value); //赋值
    if (oldValue == null) 
        size++; //如果oldValue==null,表示之前该索引位置没有添加过元素
    return unmaskNull(oldValue); //如果oldValue不为空返回旧元素

private void typeCheck(K key) { Class<?> keyClass = key.getClass(); if (keyClass != keyType && keyClass.getSuperclass() != keyType) throw new ClassCastException(keyClass + " != " + keyType); }

private V unmaskNull(Object value) { return (V)(value == NULL ? null : value); }


public V get(Object key) { return (isValidKey(key) ? unmaskNull(vals[((Enum<?>)key).ordinal()]) : null); //先判断key的合法性,再根据数组索引取值 }

private boolean isValidKey(Object key) { if (key == null) return false;

    // Cheaper than instanceof Enum followed by getDeclaringClass
    Class<?> keyClass = key.getClass();
    return keyClass == keyType || keyClass.getSuperclass() == keyType;

private V unmaskNull(Object value) { return (V)(value == NULL ? null : value); }

 public static void test() {
    EnumMap enumMap = new EnumMap(Color.class);
    enumMap.put(Color.BLUE, "blue");
    enumMap.put(Color.RED, "red");

    Set<Map.Entry> set = enumMap.entrySet();
    Iterator iterator = set.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Map.Entry entry=(Map.Entry) iterator.next();
        System.out.println(entry.getKey()+" "+entry.getValue());
        /** 依次输出(按枚举类Color中元素的顺序输出,并不是按put的顺序)
         * RED red
         * BLUE blue


enum Color {

- **ConcurrentHashMap(类):** ConcurrentHashMap是通过哈希表实现的线程安全的Map集合,键(key)和值(value)不允许为null。(继承链:Map -> AbstractMap -> ConcurrentHashMap)


public V put(K key, V value) { return putVal(key, value, false); }

final V putVal(K key, V value, boolean onlyIfAbsent) { if (key == null || value == null) throw new NullPointerException(); int hash = spread(key.hashCode()); //计算key的哈希值 int binCount = 0; for (Node<K,V>[] tab = table;;) {//table存储数据的表 Node<K,V> f; int n, i, fh; if (tab == null || (n = tab.length) == 0) tab = initTable();//初始化表 else if ((f = tabAt(tab, i = (n - 1) & hash)) == null) { //获取指定偏移量对象的引用 if (casTabAt(tab, i, null, new Node<K,V>(hash, key, value, null)))//添加新元素 break; // no lock when adding to empty bin } else if ((fh = f.hash) == MOVED) tab = helpTransfer(tab, f); else { //处理键相同的问题,即重复给相同key赋值 V oldVal = null; synchronized (f) { if (tabAt(tab, i) == f) { if (fh >= 0) { binCount = 1; for (Node<K,V> e = f;; ++binCount) { K ek; if (e.hash == hash && ((ek = e.key) == key || (ek != null && key.equals(ek)))) { oldVal = e.val; if (!onlyIfAbsent) e.val = value; break; } Node<K,V> pred = e; if ((e = e.next) == null) { pred.next = new Node<K,V>(hash, key, value, null); break; } } } else if (f instanceof TreeBin) { Node<K,V> p; binCount = 2; if ((p = ((TreeBin<K,V>)f).putTreeVal(hash, key, value)) != null) { oldVal = p.val; if (!onlyIfAbsent) p.val = value; } } } } if (binCount != 0) { if (binCount >= TREEIFY_THRESHOLD) treeifyBin(tab, i); if (oldVal != null) return oldVal; break; } } } addCount(1L, binCount); return null; }

//取值 static final <K,V> Node<K,V> tabAt(Node<K,V>[] tab, int i) { return (Node<K,V>)U.getObjectVolatile(tab, ((long)i << ASHIFT) + ABASE); } //写入 static final <K,V> boolean casTabAt(Node<K,V>[] tab, int i, Node<K,V> c, Node<K,V> v) { return U.compareAndSwapObject(tab, ((long)i << ASHIFT) + ABASE, c, v); }

//存取的偏移量都是 ((long)i << ASHIFT) + ABASE,这个偏移量用于从内存中取值。


public V get(Object key) { Node<K,V>[] tab; Node<K,V> e, p; int n, eh; K ek; int h = spread(key.hashCode()); //计算key对应的哈希值 if ((tab = table) != null && (n = tab.length) > 0 && (e = tabAt(tab, (n - 1) & h)) != null) { //根据相同的偏移量调用tabAt方法取值 if ((eh = e.hash) == h) { if ((ek = e.key) == key || (ek != null && key.equals(ek))) return e.val; } else if (eh < 0) return (p = e.find(h, key)) != null ? p.val : null; while ((e = e.next) != null) { if (e.hash == h && ((ek = e.key) == key || (ek != null && key.equals(ek)))) return e.val; } } return null; }

- **ConcurrentSkipListMap(类):** ConcurrentSkipListMap是一个支持排序的Map集合,默认按键(key)升序,支持自定义排序,不允许空键和空值;内部通过CAS机制实现线程安全。(继承链:Map -> AbstractMap -> ConcurrentSkipListMap)

ConcurrentSkipListMap concurrentSkipListMap = new ConcurrentSkipListMap(); concurrentSkipListMap.put(2, "gg"); concurrentSkipListMap.put(3, "55"); concurrentSkipListMap.put(1, 1);

    Iterator iterator = concurrentSkipListMap.entrySet().iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iterator.next();
        System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " " + entry.getValue());
         1 1
         2 gg
         3 55


public static void test() { ConcurrentSkipListMap concurrentSkipListMap = new ConcurrentSkipListMap(new Person()); concurrentSkipListMap.put(new Person(12), "gg"); concurrentSkipListMap.put(new Person(33), "55"); concurrentSkipListMap.put(new Person(1), 1);

    Iterator iterator = concurrentSkipListMap.entrySet().iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iterator.next();
        Person person=(Person) entry.getKey();
        System.out.println(person.getAge()+"  "+entry.getValue());
         33  55
         12  gg
         1  1


static final class Person implements Comparator {
    public Person() {

    public Person(int age) {
        this.age = age;

    private int age;

    public int getAge() {
        return age;

    public void setAge(int age) {
        this.age = age;

    public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
        Person p1 = (Person) o1;
        Person p2 = (Person) o2;
        return p2.getAge() - p1.getAge();//降序

public V put(K key, V value) { if (value == null) throw new NullPointerException(); return doPut(key, value, false); }

private V doPut(K key, V value, boolean onlyIfAbsent) { ...省略 z = new Node<K,V>(key, value, n); if (!b.casNext(n, z)) //写入 break; // restart if lost race to append to b break outer; ...省略 }


public V get(Object key) { return doGet(key); }

private V doGet(Object key) { if (key == null) throw new NullPointerException(); Comparator<? super K> cmp = comparator; outer: for (;;) { for (Node<K,V> b = findPredecessor(key, cmp), n = b.next;;) { //取值 Object v; int c; if (n == null) break outer; Node<K,V> f = n.next; if (n != b.next) // inconsistent read break; if ((v = n.value) == null) { // n is deleted n.helpDelete(b, f); break; } if (b.value == null || v == n) // b is deleted break; if ((c = cpr(cmp, key, n.key)) == 0) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") V vv = (V)v; //赋值 return vv; } if (c < 0) break outer; b = n; n = f; } } return null; }

- **IdentityHashMap(类):** IdentityHashMap是一个用于身份识别的Map集合,内部是哈希表实现的数据存储,是一个非线程安全类;支持键(key)和值(value)传null,内部是通过内存地址的比较来判断键key是否相同。


public V put(K key, V value) { final Object k = maskNull(key);//处理null的情况,如果key为null,创建一个Object对象

    retryAfterResize: for (;;) {
        final Object[] tab = table;
        final int len = tab.length;
        int i = hash(k, len); //根据key和表的长度计算哈希值

        for (Object item; (item = tab[i]) != null;
             i = nextKeyIndex(i, len)) { //根据计算出来的哈希值i作为索引去表tab中查找元素
            if (item == k) {//如果根据哈希值i在表中找到了元素,则通过**内存地址**的比较,元素是否是本身
                    V oldValue = (V) tab[i + 1]; //获取旧值
                tab[i + 1] = value; //重新赋值
                return oldValue; //返回旧的值

        final int s = size + 1; //大小+1
        // Use optimized form of 3 * s.
        // Next capacity is len, 2 * current capacity.
        if (s + (s << 1) > len && resize(len))  //判断是否需要调整大小
            continue retryAfterResize;

        modCount++;  //操作记录+1
        tab[i] = k; //存储键到表中
        tab[i + 1] = value; 存储值到表中
        size = s; //集合大小赋值到全局变量size
        return null;

//哈希函数 private static int hash(Object x, int length) { int h = System.identityHashCode(x);//这个方法是原生方法,返回对象的hashCode,而不管对象是否重写了hashCode方法。(物理内存地址产生的哈希值) // Multiply by -127, and left-shift to use least bit as part of hash return ((h << 1) - (h << 8)) & (length - 1); }


public V get(Object key) { Object k = maskNull(key);//处理null情况 Object[] tab = table; int len = tab.length; int i = hash(k, len); //根据哈希函数获取哈希值,和put方法调用的哈希函数一致 while (true) { Object item = tab[i]; //根据哈希值i获取表中元素(该位置存的是键) if (item == k) //内存地址比较 return (V) tab[i + 1]; //如果相等则从表中取出元素并返回 if (item == null) //未找到元素 return null; i = nextKeyIndex(i, len); //处理哈希冲突问题 } }

    Integer key1=new Integer(22);
    Integer key2=new Integer(22);
    System.out.println(System.identityHashCode(key1)); //输出:21685669
    System.out.println(System.identityHashCode(key2)); //输出:2133927002

public int hashCode() {
    return Integer.hashCode(value);

public static int hashCode(int value) {
    return value;

- **TreeMap(类):** TreeMap是一个二叉树实现的有序的Map集合,默认是根据键的自然顺序排序(即升序),同时支持自定义排序,不允许键为null,允许值为null。TreeMap是一个非线程安全的类。(继承链:Map -> AbstractMap ->TreeMap)

1. 每个节点都会做一个标识,不是红色就是黑色。
2. 根节点永远是黑色。
3. 针对直属父子节点的颜色不一致,如果父节点是黑色,则子节点一定是红色;反之,如果父节点是红色,则子节点一定是黑色。
4. 左子树的值小于父节点,右子树的值大于父节点。


static final class Entry<K,V> implements Map.Entry<K,V> { K key; //键 V value; //值 Entry<K,V> left; //左子树 Entry<K,V> right; //右子树 Entry<K,V> parent; //父节点 boolean color = BLACK; //颜色标识 //省略其他代码 }


public V put(K key, V value) { Entry<K,V> t = root; //根节点 if (t == null) { //第一个添加元素 compare(key, key); // type (and possibly null) check

        root = new Entry<>(key, value, null); //创建根节点
        size = 1;//集合大小设为1
        modCount++; //操作记录自增
        return null;
    int cmp;
    Entry<K,V> parent;
    // split comparator and comparable paths
    Comparator<? super K> cpr = comparator; //获取自定义比较器对象
    if (cpr != null) { //使用自定义比较器,比较逻辑和下面分支一致,将在下面介绍
        do {
            parent = t;
            cmp = cpr.compare(key, t.key);
            if (cmp < 0)
                t = t.left;
            else if (cmp > 0)
                t = t.right;
                return t.setValue(value);
        } while (t != null);
    else {
        if (key == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
            Comparable<? super K> k = (Comparable<? super K>) key; //使用默认比较器Comparable
        do {
            parent = t; //赋值父节点变量
            cmp = k.compareTo(t.key); //比较key大小
            if (cmp < 0) //表示k<t.key
                t = t.left;
            else if (cmp > 0) //表示k>t.key
                t = t.right;
                return t.setValue(value);
        } while (t != null); //遍历整棵树比较大小
    Entry<K,V> e = new Entry<>(key, value, parent);
    if (cmp < 0) //表示当前节点小于父节点
        parent.left = e; //给父节点添加左子树
        parent.right = e; //给父节点添加右子树
    fixAfterInsertion(e); //修改节点插入的位置
    size++; //大小+1
    modCount++; //修改记录+1
    return null;

//修改节点插入的位置 private void fixAfterInsertion(Entry<K,V> x) { x.color = RED; //BLACK表示true,RED表示false;这里给节点设置初始值

    while (x != null && x != root && x.parent.color == RED) {
        if (parentOf(x) == leftOf(parentOf(parentOf(x)))) { //比较x父亲节点是否等于x爷爷节点的左子树,处理树整体偏左的情形,比如依次添加key为3,1,2的情况
            Entry<K,V> y = rightOf(parentOf(parentOf(x))); //获取x爷爷的右子树
            if (colorOf(y) == RED) {
                setColor(parentOf(x), BLACK);
                setColor(y, BLACK);
                setColor(parentOf(parentOf(x)), RED);
                x = parentOf(parentOf(x));
            } else {
                if (x == rightOf(parentOf(x))) {//如果x节点大于父节点情况
                    x = parentOf(x); //获取父节点
                    rotateLeft(x); //传入父节点
                setColor(parentOf(x), BLACK);
                setColor(parentOf(parentOf(x)), RED);
        } else { //处理树整体偏右的情形
            Entry<K,V> y = leftOf(parentOf(parentOf(x)));
            if (colorOf(y) == RED) {
                setColor(parentOf(x), BLACK);
                setColor(y, BLACK);
                setColor(parentOf(parentOf(x)), RED);
                x = parentOf(parentOf(x));
            } else {
                if (x == leftOf(parentOf(x))) {
                    x = parentOf(x);
                setColor(parentOf(x), BLACK);
                setColor(parentOf(parentOf(x)), RED);
    root.color = BLACK; //根节点永远是黑色

 private void rotateLeft(Entry<K,V> p) {
    if (p != null) {
        Entry<K,V> r = p.right; //获取右子树
        p.right = r.left; //交换位置
        if (r.left != null)
            r.left.parent = p;
        r.parent = p.parent; //交换位置
        if (p.parent == null)
            root = r;
        else if (p.parent.left == p)
            p.parent.left = r; //p的右子树r和p交换位置
            p.parent.right = r;
        r.left = p; //交换位置,p变为r的左子树
        p.parent = r;

//向右偏转(处理思路和rotateLeft方法类似) private void rotateRight(Entry<K,V> p) { if (p != null) { Entry<K,V> l = p.left; p.left = l.right; if (l.right != null) l.right.parent = p; l.parent = p.parent; if (p.parent == null) root = l; else if (p.parent.right == p) p.parent.right = l; else p.parent.left = l; l.right = p; p.parent = l; } }



public V get(Object key) { Entry<K,V> p = getEntry(key); return (p==null ? null : p.value); }

final Entry<K,V> getEntry(Object key) { // Offload comparator-based version for sake of performance if (comparator != null) return getEntryUsingComparator(key); if (key == null) throw new NullPointerException(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Comparable<? super K> k = (Comparable<? super K>) key; Entry<K,V> p = root; //获取树根节点 while (p != null) { //通过大小比较,不断遍历树 int cmp = k.compareTo(p.key); //比较大小 if (cmp < 0) //k<p.key p = p.left; //继续比较左子树 else if (cmp > 0) //k>p.key p = p.right;//继续比较右子树 else return p; //找到节点返回 } return null; }


public V remove(Object key) { Entry<K,V> p = getEntry(key); //查找树节点,和get方法一致的逻辑 if (p == null) return null;

    V oldValue = p.value; //获取元素的值
    return oldValue; //返回被移除元素的值

//删除节点并重新调整树节点 private void deleteEntry(Entry<K,V> p) { modCount++;//修改记录+1 size--;//集合大小-1

    // If strictly internal, copy successor's element to p and then make p
    // point to successor.
    if (p.left != null && p.right != null) {//当前节点存在左子树和右子树的情况
        Entry<K,V> s = successor(p);
        p.key = s.key;
        p.value = s.value;
        p = s;
    } // p has 2 children

    // Start fixup at replacement node, if it exists.
    Entry<K,V> replacement = (p.left != null ? p.left : p.right); //查找替换节点,p的左子树或者右子树

    if (replacement != null) {
        // Link replacement to parent
        replacement.parent = p.parent; //交换父亲
        if (p.parent == null) //p为根节点情形
            root = replacement;
        else if (p == p.parent.left)//当前节点向左倾斜,即当前节点是其父亲的左子树
            p.parent.left  = replacement; //交换位置
            p.parent.right = replacement; //交换位置

        // Null out links so they are OK to use by fixAfterDeletion.
        p.left = p.right = p.parent = null; //置空节点元素

        // Fix replacement
        if (p.color == BLACK)
            fixAfterDeletion(replacement); //调整树节点颜色
    } else if (p.parent == null) { // return if we are the only node.
        root = null;
    } else { //  No children. Use self as phantom replacement and unlink. //没有子节点情形
        if (p.color == BLACK) //判断节点颜色

        if (p.parent != null) {
            if (p == p.parent.left) //当前节点向左倾斜,即当前节点是其父亲的左子树
                p.parent.left = null;//直接置空删除
            else if (p == p.parent.right) //当前节点向右倾斜,即当前节点是其父亲的右子树
                p.parent.right = null; //直接置空删除
            p.parent = null; //直接置空
- **WeakHashMap(类):** WeakHashMap是一个弱引用实现的Map集合,允许键和值传入空值null,WeakHashMap实现方式和HashMap类似;WeakHashMap是一个非线程安全类,非常适合实现一些内存缓存的场景。(继承链:Map -> AbstractMap -> WeakHashMap)

    WeakHashMap weakHashMap = new WeakHashMap();
    Integer key=new Integer(1);
    Integer key2=new Integer(2);
    weakHashMap.put(key, 22);
    Iterator  iterator =weakHashMap.entrySet().iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()){
        Map.Entry entry=(Map.Entry) iterator.next();
        System.out.println(entry.getKey()+" "+entry.getValue()); //只输出222一个元素,因为key对象不存在被引用的情况


private static class Entry<K,V> extends WeakReference implements Map.Entry<K,V> { V value; final int hash; Entry<K,V> next;

     * Creates new entry.
    Entry(Object key, V value,
          ReferenceQueue<Object> queue,
          int hash, Entry<K,V> next) {//key是弱引用实现
        super(key, queue);
        this.value = value;
        this.hash  = hash;
        this.next  = next;


- **Attributes(类):** Attributes是一个属性操作相关的包装类,其内部是HashMap实现的;其键(key)必须是Attributes.Name类型,值(value)必须是字符串类型(继承链:Map -> Attributes )


Attributes attributes=new Attributes(); Attributes.Name name=new Attributes.Name("name"); Attributes.Name age=new Attributes.Name("age"); attributes.put(name,"zgq"); attributes.put(age,"20");

- **SimpleBindings(类):**  SimpleBindings也是一个包装类,默认是HashMap实现,也可以是其他Map类;其键(key)不允许传null和空字符,必须是字符串类型。(继承链:Map -> Bindings -> SimpleBindings)


public SimpleBindings() { this(new HashMap<String,Object>()); }

public SimpleBindings(Map<String,Object> m) { if (m == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } this.map = m; }


- **RenderingHints(类):** RenderingHints是一个图形绘制渲染提示的包装类,其内部是HashMap实现,其键(key)必须是内部封装的Key类型。(继承链:Map -> RenderingHints)


RenderingHints renderingHints = new RenderingHints(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT); renderingHints.put(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING,RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_OFF);

- **TabularDataSupport(类):** TabularDataSupport是一个表格数据支持的集合类,其内部是HashMap实现,平时使用的少,这里不再阐述。(继承链:Map -> TabularDataSupport)

- **Hashtable(类):** Hashtable是一个哈希表实现的Map集合,内部实现原理和HashMap类似;不同的是Hashtable通过synchronized来实现线程安全的,是一个线程安全的类;Hashtable不允许键(key)和值(value)传空值null。平时开发也很少用到这个类,一般在多线程环境都推荐使用效率更高的ConcurrentHashMap。(继承链:Map -> Hashtable)

- **Properties(类):** Properties是一个支持持久化操作的Map集合,继承于Hashtable,同时支持
Hashtable的特性;Properties提供了load、store等方法来进行流操作,是一个线程安全的类。(继承链:Map -> Hashtable -> Properties)


Properties properties=new Properties(); properties.setProperty("key1","value1"); properties.setProperty("key2","value2"); try { OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream("D:\aa.txt"); properties.store(outputStream,"file");//持久化到文件

        System.out.println( properties.get("key1")); //输出 value1
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {

- **Provider(类):** Provider是jdk中安全认证相关的抽象类,在一些算法中会使用到,向MD5 、 SHA-1、DSA、DSA。(继承链:Map -> Hashtable -> Properties -> Provider)

- **AuthProvider(类):** AuthProvider是一个身份认证相关的Map集合,提供了login 、logout等方法。(继承链:Map -> Hashtable -> Properties -> Provider -> AuthProvider)

- ****

# 3. Collections(包装类)

    List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
    Collections.sort(list);//支持自定义排序调用重载方法sort(List<T> list, Comparator<? super T> c)
    Iterator iterator = list.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    List list = new ArrayList();
    list = Collections.synchronizedList(list); //Collections内部通过synchronized关键字保证线程安全

List list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(1); list.add(12); list.add(5); list.add(10); Collections.sort(list);//1,5,10,12 int res= Collections.binarySearch(list,5);//返回元素的位置索引 System.out.println(res);

# 4.小结
## 4.1 Fail-Fast 和 Not-Fail-Fast的迭代器Iterator
Fail-Fast是指在迭代器迭代过程中可能会出现ConcurrentModificationException异常的迭代器;而Not-Fail-Fast指不会报ConcurrentModificationException异常的迭代器。在JDK中,Fail-Fast包括ArrayList、LinkedList、Vector、HashMap等;Not-Fail-Fast包括CopyOnWriteArrayList、ConcurrentHashMap 等。


ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add("aa"); list.add("bb"); list.add("cc"); Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String tmp=(String) iterator.next(); if(tmp=="aa"){ list.remove(tmp);//这句代码会导致java.util.ConcurrentModificationException } } System.out.println(list.size());

    ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
    Iterator iterator = list.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        String tmp=(String) iterator.next();
            iterator.remove(); //通过迭代器的方式提供的方法就不会抛出异常

public Iterator iterator() { return new Itr(); }

//迭代器实现类 private class Itr implements Iterator { int cursor; // index of next element to return int lastRet = -1; // index of last element returned; -1 if no such int expectedModCount = modCount; //把全局的变量modCount赋值给expectedModCount

    public boolean hasNext() {
        return cursor != size;

    public E next() {
        checkForComodification(); //这个方法是关键,会检查expectedModCount和全局变量modCount是否相等,不相等就抛出ConcurrentModificationException异常
        int i = cursor;
        if (i >= size)
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        Object[] elementData = ArrayList.this.elementData;
        if (i >= elementData.length)
            throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
        cursor = i + 1;
        return (E) elementData[lastRet = i];

    public void remove() { //这个方法是迭代器提供的方法
        if (lastRet < 0)
            throw new IllegalStateException();

        try {
            ArrayList.this.remove(lastRet); //根据索引移除元素
            cursor = lastRet; //更新游标变量
            lastRet = -1;
            expectedModCount = modCount; //将最新的modCount赋值给变量expectedModCount
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
            throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

    final void checkForComodification() {
        if (modCount != expectedModCount)
            throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

//集合移除方法remove public boolean remove(Object o) { //。。。 fastRemove(index); //这个方法导致全局变量modCount值发生变化 //。。。 }

private void fastRemove(int index) { modCount++; int numMoved = size - index - 1; if (numMoved > 0) System.arraycopy(elementData, index+1, elementData, index, numMoved); elementData[--size] = null; // clear to let GC do its work }


  CopyOnWriteArrayList copyOnWriteArrayList=new CopyOnWriteArrayList();
   Iterator iterator = copyOnWriteArrayList.iterator();
   while (iterator.hasNext()) {
       String tmp=(String) iterator.next();
       System.out.println(tmp); //这里依次输出aa,bb,cc,为什么删除aa还输出呢?淡定。。。下面讲解


public Iterator iterator() { return new COWIterator(getArray(), 0); //将集合数组传入构造方法 }

static final class COWIterator implements ListIterator { /* Snapshot of the array / private final Object[] snapshot; //内部类缓存了一份数组的快照 /* Index of element to be returned by subsequent call to next. / private int cursor;

    private COWIterator(Object[] elements, int initialCursor) {
        cursor = initialCursor;
        snapshot = elements;

    public boolean hasNext() {
        return cursor < snapshot.length; //使用的是数组快照

    public E next() {
        if (! hasNext())
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        return (E) snapshot[cursor++]; ////使用的是数组快照

## 4.2 hashCode和equals

    String a="qq";
    String b="qq"; //常量池分配内存
    String c = new String("qq"); //堆中分配内存
    String d = new String("qq");
    System.out.println(a.equals(b)); //输出 true
    System.out.println(c.equals(d));  //输出 true
    System.out.println(a.equals(c));  //输出 true

public boolean equals(Object anObject) { if (this == anObject) { //内存地址的比较 return true; } if (anObject instanceof String) { String anotherString = (String)anObject; int n = value.length; if (n == anotherString.value.length) { char v1[] = value; char v2[] = anotherString.value; int i = 0; while (n-- != 0) { //字符串中逐个字符的比对,每个字符都相等equals返回true,否者返回false if (v1[i] != v2[i]) return false; i++; } return true; } } return false; }



class Student { private String name; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public Student() { } public Student(String name) { this.name = name; } }

    HashMap map = new HashMap();
    map.put(new Student("aa"), "aa");
    map.put(new Student("bb"), "bb");
    System.out.println(map.get(new Student("bb"))); //输出null

class Student { private String name; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public Student() { } public Student(String name) { this.name = name; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 10; if (name != null) { hash = 31 * hash + name.hashCode(); } return hash; }

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (!(obj instanceof Student)) {
            return false;
        Student student = (Student) obj;

        return (this.name == null && student.name == null) ||
                (this.name != null && this.name.equals(student.name));


    HashMap map = new HashMap();
    map.put(new Student("aa"), "aa");
    map.put(new Student("bb"), "bb");
    System.out.println(map.get(new Student("bb"))); //输出 bb


public V get(Object key) { Node<K,V> e; return (e = getNode(hash(key), key)) == null ? null : e.value; }

static final int hash(Object key) { int h; return (key == null) ? 0 : (h = key.hashCode()) ^ (h >>> 16); // key.hashCode()这句代码是关键,如果子类没有重写Object中hashCode方法,则这里调用的是Object中的hashCode方法 }


- 一般在实现类中两个方法都会用时重写,实现本类的逻辑。
- equals和hashCode都是根据类中属性去实现方法中的逻辑,两者使用的属性一般一致。
- 两个对象的equals相等,那么hashCode一定相同。
- 两个对象的hashCode相同,equals不一定相同。
- 一般比较两个对象是否相同,先比较hashCode,再比较equals。

## 4.3 java内部类机制
- **普通内部类:** 普通内部类是指在类的内部又定义了一个类,这个内部类相当于外部类的一个成员变量。示例如下:

class Outer_Demo { private int num = 10;

// 1.内部类私有化(封装)
private class Inner_Demo {
    public void print() {
        System.out.println("This is an inner class ");

void display_Inner() {
    Inner_Demo inner = new Inner_Demo();

// 2.内部类公有化(对外暴露)
public class Inner_Demo2 {
    public int getNum() {
        System.out.println("This is the getnum method of the inner class");
        return num;


    Outer_Demo outer = new Outer_Demo();

    Outer_Demo.Inner_Demo2 inner_demo2 = new Outer_Demo().new Inner_Demo2();
- **静态内部类:** 静态内部类是外部类的静态成员。 在静态内部类中,可以使用其他静态成员,可以在不实例化外部类的情况下对其进行访问。 就像静态成员一样,静态嵌套类无法访问外部类的实例变量和方法。 举例如下:

class Outer_Demo { //静态内部类 static class StaticClassDemo { public void my_method() { System.out.println("This is static class"); } } }

//调用静态内部类 public static void main(String args[]) { Outer_Demo.StaticClassDemo staticClassDemo = new Outer_Demo.StaticClassDemo(); staticClassDemo.my_method(); }

- **方法内部类:** 方法内部类是指在类的方法中定义的类;如下所示:

class Outer_Demo { void my_Method() { int num = 23; // 方法内部类 class MethodInner_Demo { public void print() { System.out.println("This is method inner class "+num); } } // 访问内部类 MethodInner_Demo inner = new MethodInner_Demo(); inner.print(); } }

- **匿名内部类:** 没有类名称声明的内部类称为匿名内部类。 对于匿名内部类,我们同时声明和初始化它们。 通常,它们在需要覆盖类或接口的方法时使用。举例如下:

//通常定义为接口或者抽象类 abstract class AnonymousInner { public abstract void mymethod(); }

public class Outer_class { public static void main(String args[]) { //创建匿名内部类和初始化 AnonymousInner inner = new AnonymousInner() { public void mymethod() { System.out.println("This is an example of anonymous inner class"); } }; //调用匿名内部类中的方法 inner.mymethod(); } }