zh / watercoolr

pubsub via webhooks
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Support for specific publishers and subscribers #4

Open zh opened 15 years ago

zh commented 15 years ago

There is still no standard for the webhooks parameters. Because of this they come in different format (XML, JSON) or with different names ('data', 'payload'). For the project to be really useful, support for specific publishers and subscribers need to be added. Good candidates:

zh commented 15 years ago

See also: Working with a Custom URL

zh commented 15 years ago

Two files, subs.rb and pub.rb, with support for messagepub, github and ping.fm added - commits: 99d27d8ad75b1c1bbb7f12d93e5b6896007d7468 , b787ee466a161a7d551d55bfeb721ffc6df2b6dc and 64c20fb3e1e61023554ccc8dc2e228b598973dbf

zh commented 15 years ago

Maybe next: http://bot.im/