zh320 / realtime-semantic-segmentation-pytorch

PyTorch implementation of over 30 realtime semantic segmentations models, e.g. BiSeNetv1, BiSeNetv2, CGNet, ContextNet, DABNet, DDRNet, EDANet, ENet, ERFNet, ESPNet, ESPNetv2, FastSCNN, ICNet, LEDNet, LinkNet, PP-LiteSeg, SegNet, ShelfNet, STDC, SwiftNet, and support knowledge distillation, distributed training, Optuna etc.
Apache License 2.0
133 stars 22 forks source link

发现一处数值异常的地方,还请检查一下。 #21

Open ZJDATY opened 1 month ago

ZJDATY commented 1 month ago


这张表中,看到了DDRNET的FPS数有明显异常 233FPS,别的模型参数量比它小很多的也没有它快。 我找了官方的测试结果图 image


而在你的表格中 BiSeNetv2 的FPS比较接近,而ddrnet的fps为233。我心生疑虑,还请勘误。

zh320 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, thank you for pointing out the abnormal FPS for DDRNet. I have also noticed this and double checked on my machine. Currently I can not provide you a solid explanation about it. Maybe there is some issue about my machine? I am not sure.

Do you have available graphics card and would you please run test_speed.py and report your performances here?
