zhafen / linefinder

A tool for finding and classifying the worldlines of Lagrangian parcels of mass, in the context of hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy formation.
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Create streamline plots like Daniel had #78

Closed zhafen closed 6 years ago

zhafen commented 6 years ago

Originally reported by Zachary Hafen (Bitbucket: zhafen, GitHub: zhafen)

First I'll have to parse what Daniel did.

Here's what happens inside Daniel's /home/daa581/repos/daa_python/plot_accmode_arrows_resub.py:

  1. A Figure is set up. (Done according to all the little details Daniel prefers.)
  2. In "density grid" a black-and-white image of the gas is plotted in the background.
  3. In "PRISTINE" NEP streamlines are plotted.
  4. In "WIND RECYCLING" streamlines are plotted.
  5. In "INTERGALACTIC TRANSFER" streamlines are plotted.
  6. In "plot star particle positions" it does what it says it does.
  7. In "plot SKID galaxies" it does what it says it does.

What has to be done for me to be able to use Daniel's code?

  1. Find and look at the functions Daniel's using.
  2. Replace the tracking data files.
  3. Replace the halo data files.
  4. Replace how I center the data.
  5. Replace the classifications.
  6. Replace the halo plot function (probably).
  7. Tidy up.
  8. Change to comoving coords
  9. Plot only particles with a subset of their trajectories

zhafen commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Zachary Hafen (Bitbucket: zhafen, GitHub: zhafen)

All set-up nicely!

zhafen commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Zachary Hafen (Bitbucket: zhafen, GitHub: zhafen)

We should add a minimum time for masking too.

zhafen commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Zachary Hafen (Bitbucket: zhafen, GitHub: zhafen)

Steps to address plotting only a subset of the trajectories:

  1. Give particles in a particular classification.
  2. Create a variable that encodes how long a particle has maintained a given classification.
  3. Mask the data according to that variable (only plotting particles that have had t_classification for a minimum amount of time).
  4. Do the regular streamline plot.
zhafen commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Zachary Hafen (Bitbucket: zhafen, GitHub: zhafen)

Currently working on replacing the classifications. Really this involves me just rewriting a lot of the streamline code. I currently need to think about how to sample the x_data and y_data once classifications have already been applied.

zhafen commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Zachary Hafen (Bitbucket: zhafen, GitHub: zhafen)

Made a list of what I need to change to adapt Daniel's code.

zhafen commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Zachary Hafen (Bitbucket: zhafen, GitHub: zhafen)

The following aspects are probably non-trivial to do:

  1. The black and white gas image.
  2. Figuring out how to do the streamlines.
  3. Figuring out how to smooth the trajectories.