i want to receive email alerts that keep me engaged with stories.
a friend starts a story with me as a cowriter
a friend takes a turn on a story i'm involved with
special notice if it's my turn
i want to be able to specify email preferences
i'd like to do some sort of email verification, with states like "requested, awaiting user response,
heroku has sendgrid integration
could verification be as simple as: i sign a user's email with a timeout and send that as a token? then decrypt the token and if it hasn't expired and matches user's email, we're approved?
this is a first moment of seeing limitations / potential of cypress as sole e2e test suite. could i spin up a mock server that handles email requests on test runs?
would probably want to use heroku kafka for sending messages async
[ ] setup message queue announcement fanout to allow for queues to subscribe
i want to receive email alerts that keep me engaged with stories.
i want to be able to specify email preferences