Open creativeportfolio-ios opened 5 years ago
Hi @creativeportfolio-ios 很抱歉回复的不及时 :(
如果是通过系统的「设置」切换语言,是会让运行的 App 重新启动的
Thank for your reply. Please check below answer
I have a few parts that don't quite understand this question:
How did you open the specified app in the specified language? Ans: Language manage locally, it means is not related to system langue, that manage using locally (Use Default)
How do I switch languages while the app is running? Ans: when change language, just reload Home (Tab bar)
If you switch the language through the system's "Settings", it will restart the running App. Ans: yes, event if I restart app than new langue properly update DKImage library
Only issue is when I changed language and open DKImageController without restart app than language not set properly for all text
Currently, I’m working with DKImagePickerViewController(version : 3.8.1) as Carthage installation. I’m facing one issue, when open app with “en” language and open DKImagePickerViewController it display all detail in “en” language which is perfect, but when change language from “en” to “zh-Hans” in running application than localisation is not working DKImagePickerViewController. But it was working when reopen app again. Please refer attachment