zhanghai / MaterialFiles

Material Design file manager for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Rotating to landscape crashes the app while the app selection screen is open #1247

Closed Undearius closed 3 weeks ago

Undearius commented 3 weeks ago

After tapping on an image, a dialog will come up to select an app to open the image in (eg. Open with Photos, Material Files Image Viewer, Material Files Save As, etc.) Switching to landscape by turning the device on its side while this dialog is open will cause the app to crash. This doesn't happen when going from landscape to portrait.

After crashing a few times, a popup says "Android System keeps stopping"

It seems to happen with pictures, videos, and PDFs. .jpg .png .mp4 .webp .pdf

Rotating while trying to open any other filetype works.

Google Pixel 6a Android 14 Material Files 1.7.2 (37)

zhanghai commented 3 weeks ago

Since it says "Android System keeps stopping", it is the system app picker that is crashing and the app cannot fix a bug in the system.

If you are on official Pixel system you may report a bug to Pixel bug tracker - otherwise you'll need to report to your custom ROM.