zhanghai / MaterialFiles

Material Design file manager for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cannot add CalDAV (NextCloud) #1250

Closed McBaumwolle closed 2 weeks ago

McBaumwolle commented 2 weeks ago

Hi there, I'm trying to set up my NextCloud files in the app and it seems like the path is breaking something.

When I use the server URL (without https://) it simply says the following.


And when I use the recommended NextCloud path for 3rd party apps it says this.


My (managed) NextCloud path looks like this randomstring0123.nextcloud.hosting.zone or https://randomstring0123.nextcloud.hosting.zone/remote.php/dav/files/username/


zhanghai commented 2 weeks ago

Host should be randomstring0123.nextcloud.hosting.zone, path should be /remote.php/dav/files/username/, whereas protocol should be HTTPS but that's already the default.

McBaumwolle commented 2 weeks ago

Well thank you, now it worked!