zhanghang1989 / PyTorch-Encoding

A CV toolkit for my papers.
MIT License
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About Voc2012 #382

Open xLuge opened 3 years ago

xLuge commented 3 years ago

hi, I submitted the results of the val set and the test set to the official website for testing, but the two results differ by four points. How can I reduce this gap? Also, where can I go to test the test set for the PContexts data set. I'm not sure the result in some papers are test set results or validation set results

zhanghang1989 commented 3 years ago

Did you follow the instructions at https://hangzhang.org/PyTorch-Encoding/model_zoo/segmentation.html#pascal-voc-dataset

Make sure you first train on MS-COCO, then finetune on pascal-aug, and then finetune again on pascal-vov

vail-xjl commented 1 year ago

hi, I submitted the results of the val set and the test set to the official website for testing, but the two results differ by four points. How can I reduce this gap? Also, where can I go to test the test set for the PContexts data set. I'm not sure the result in some papers are test set results or validation set results

hi, I submitted the results of the val set and the test set to the official website for testing, but the two results differ by four points. How can I reduce this gap? Also, where can I go to test the test set for the PContexts data set. I'm not sure the result in some papers are test set results or validation set results

hi,may I ask about the issue you encountered on the Pascal VOC dataset's test set at the time? [Error while evaluating challenge 6 .Results were not generated properly.]The evaluation log is as follow.


Evaluation failed Evaluation failed.
Please check the error messages below and correct your submission if possible.
If the error message seems too cryptic or you don't know what you need to correct, please e-mail the contact for more information (see below). Please use [VOC2010] in the title and copy the URL of this page in your e-mail. Thank you.


Competition | Category | Score -- | -- | --


Evaluation errors

Error while evaluating challenge 6. Results were not generated properly.
Error while submission. No scores were generated.

Evaluation log

Checking submission
Submission file: /var/voc_challenges/VOC2012/submissions/38097/input/results.tgz
Working directory: /var/voc_challenges/VOC2012/submissions/38097/input
Extracting submission
Submission MD5 sum is: c34f2a19b9307a3a98831bd1b3828edf
Extraction complete.
Checking submission.
Challenge 1. No results present.
Challenge 2. No results present.
Challenge 3. No results present.
Challenge 4. No results present.
Challenge 5. Not submitted (looking for folder results/VOC2012/Segmentation/comp5_test_cls)
Challenge 6.+++ Submitted. All required images are present.
Challenge 7. Not submitted (looking for results/VOC2012/Layout/comp7_layout_test.xml)
Challenge 8. Not submitted (looking for results/VOC2012/Layout/comp8_layout_test.xml)
Challenge 9. No results present.
Challenge 10. No results present.
Challenge 11. No results present.
Challenge 12. No results present.
Submission check complete.
Task is ready for evaluation.
Error while evaluating challenge 6. Results were not generated properly.
Error while submission. No scores were generated.