zhanghang1989 / PyTorch-Multi-Style-Transfer

Neural Style and MSG-Net
MIT License
976 stars 207 forks source link

Running main.py eval error #25

Open linzhi123 opened 5 years ago

linzhi123 commented 5 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 290, in main() File "main.py", line 45, in main evaluate(args) File "main.py", line 258, in evaluate output = utils.color_match(output, style_v) File "PyTorch-Style-Transfer/experiments/utils.py", line 148, in color_match matSqrt(src_flat_cov_eye).inverse * src_norm RuntimeError: mul() received an invalid combination of arguments - got (builtin_function_or_method), but expected one of:

How do I solve this problem?

dberga commented 5 years ago

I also have a problem when running the main. It might be related for my case to the PyTorch version. Which version does it require?

python main.py eval --content-image images/content/venice-boat.jpg --style-image images/21styles/candy.jpg --model models/21styles.model --content-size 1024

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 290, in <module>
  File "main.py", line 45, in main
  File "main.py", line 245, in evaluate
    style_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.model), False)
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Shared\Python36_64\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\module.py", line 719, in load_state_dict
    self.__class__.__name__, "\n\t".join(error_msgs)))
RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for Net:
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model1.1.running_mean" and "model1.1.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model1.3.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model1.3.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model1.3.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model1.3.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model1.3.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model1.3.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model1.4.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model1.4.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model1.4.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model1.4.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model1.4.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model1.4.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.0.1.running_mean" and "model.0.1.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.0.3.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.0.3.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.0.3.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.0.3.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.0.3.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.0.3.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.0.4.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.0.4.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.0.4.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.0.4.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.0.4.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.0.4.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.2.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.2.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.2.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.2.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.2.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.2.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.3.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.3.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.3.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.3.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.3.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.3.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.4.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.4.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.4.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.4.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.4.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.4.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.5.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.5.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.5.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.5.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.5.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.5.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.6.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.6.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.6.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.6.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.6.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.6.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.7.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.7.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.7.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.7.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.7.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.7.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.8.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.8.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.8.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.8.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.8.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.8.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.9.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.9.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.9.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.9.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.9.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.9.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.10.running_mean" and "model.10.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
mertgerdan commented 5 years ago

I also have a problem when running the main. It might be related for my case to the PyTorch version. Which version does it require?

python main.py eval --content-image images/content/venice-boat.jpg --style-image images/21styles/candy.jpg --model models/21styles.model --content-size 1024

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 290, in <module>
  File "main.py", line 45, in main
  File "main.py", line 245, in evaluate
    style_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.model), False)
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Shared\Python36_64\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\module.py", line 719, in load_state_dict
    self.__class__.__name__, "\n\t".join(error_msgs)))
RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for Net:
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model1.1.running_mean" and "model1.1.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model1.3.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model1.3.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model1.3.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model1.3.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model1.3.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model1.3.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model1.4.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model1.4.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model1.4.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model1.4.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model1.4.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model1.4.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.0.1.running_mean" and "model.0.1.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.0.3.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.0.3.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.0.3.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.0.3.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.0.3.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.0.3.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.0.4.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.0.4.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.0.4.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.0.4.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.0.4.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.0.4.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.2.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.2.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.2.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.2.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.2.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.2.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.3.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.3.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.3.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.3.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.3.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.3.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.4.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.4.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.4.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.4.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.4.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.4.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.5.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.5.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.5.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.5.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.5.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.5.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.6.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.6.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.6.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.6.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.6.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.6.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.7.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.7.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.7.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.7.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.7.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.7.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.8.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.8.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.8.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.8.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.8.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.8.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.9.conv_block.0.running_mean" and "model.9.conv_block.0.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.9.conv_block.3.running_mean" and "model.9.conv_block.3.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.9.conv_block.6.running_mean" and "model.9.conv_block.6.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.
        Unexpected running stats buffer(s) "model.10.running_mean" and "model.10.running_var" for InstanceNorm2d with track_running_stats=False. If state_dict is a checkpoint saved before 0.4.0, this may be expected because InstanceNorm2d does not track running stats by default since 0.4.0. Please remove these keys from state_dict. If the running stats are actually needed, instead set track_running_stats=True in InstanceNorm2d to enable them. See the documentation of InstanceNorm2d for details.

I have the same problem, and I don't know how to fix it. I am running PyTorch 0.4.1.