zhanghang1989 / ResNet-Matconvnet

Train Deep Residual Network from Scratch or or Fine-tune Pre-trained Model using Matconvnet
MIT License
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Error using vl_argparse (line 99) Unknown parameter 'reluafterSum' #6

Closed wajihullahbaig closed 8 years ago

wajihullahbaig commented 8 years ago

for the following command run_cifar_experiments([20 32], 'plain','gpus',[1], 'reluaftersum',false);I keep getting the error

Error using vl_argparse (line 99) Unknown parameter 'reluafterSum'

zhanghang1989 commented 8 years ago

You can use the following command as in the instructions

res_cifar(20, 'modelType', 'resnet', 'reLUafterSum', false,...
    'expDir', 'data/exp/cifar-resNOrelu-20', 'gpus', [2])

or you can simply add one line to run_cifar_experiment