zhanght021 / RPT

RPT: Learning Point Set Representation for Siamese Visual Tracking
MIT License
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VOT-ST2020 #23

Open iremonur opened 1 year ago

iremonur commented 1 year ago

Hi, I want to evaluate a tracker on the VOT-ST2020 dataset. The segmentation annotations are placed under the gorundtruth.txt but I could not understand the format and find an explanation for it. For example, the annotation format is as in below:


What does m242 mean? And what do these points represent? I assume that they represent the segmentation pixel points but are they ordered like x,y,x,y...x,y pixel coordinates? I tried to create binary segmentation masks considering they are ordered x,y.. but the mask obtained by these points does not represent the object. Could you please explain the annotation format for VOTSTS2022? I would be glad if you help me with this.

BDadmehr0 commented 1 year ago

The annotation format you provided appears to be specific to the VOT-ST (Visual Object Tracking - Segmentation Task) dataset.

iremonur commented 1 year ago

Yes it is, didn’t you also evaluate your model on VOT-ST 2020 dataset?