zhangjiequan / AssetStudio

AssetStudio - Based on the archived Perfare's AssetStudio, I continue Perfare's work to keep AssetStudio up-to-date, with support for new Unity versions and additional improvements.
MIT License
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System.IO.IOException: Lz4 decompression error, write -1 bytes but expected 131072 bytes #26

Open TemporalAgent7 opened 1 month ago

TemporalAgent7 commented 1 month ago

I get this error on every file I want to open from the game Whiteout Survival. Any tips?

I saw https://github.com/zhangjiequan/AssetStudio/issues/15 but in my case there is a single instance of the "UnityFS" string in the file (first characters).

Error while reading bundle file D:\work\whiteout\apk\assets\data\actor_battle_battle_gpu_soldier_archer_blue_906b8dd885c6cb6653e843cd67dc4a6.unity3d
System.IO.IOException: Lz4 decompression error, write -1 bytes but expected 131072 bytes
   at AssetStudio.BundleFile.ReadBlocks(EndianBinaryReader reader, Stream blocksStream) in D:\work\whiteout\AssetStudio\AssetStudio\BundleFile.cs:line 353
   at AssetStudio.BundleFile..ctor(FileReader reader) in D:\work\whiteout\AssetStudio\AssetStudio\BundleFile.cs:line 98
   at AssetStudio.AssetsManager.LoadBundleFile(FileReader reader, String originalPath) in D:\work\whiteout\AssetStudio\AssetStudio\AssetsManager.cs:line 182

The files appear to have version 5.x.x 2018.4.36f1