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TensorRT #2

Open zhangjun opened 2 years ago

zhangjun commented 2 years ago


zhangjun commented 2 years ago
def build_engine(weights):
    # For more information on TRT basics, refer to the introductory samples.
    with trt.Builder(TRT_LOGGER) as builder, builder.create_network(common.EXPLICIT_BATCH) as network:
        builder.max_workspace_size = common.GiB(1)

        # Populate the network using weights from the PyTorch model.
        # populate_network(network, weights)
        # Build and return an engine.
        input_tensor = network.add_input(
        name=ModelData.INPUT_NAME, dtype=ModelData.DTYPE, shape=ModelData.INPUT_SHAPE)

        conv1_w = weights['conv1.weight'].cpu().numpy()

        out_planes = 64

        conv1 = conv3x3(input_tensor, out_planes, network, conv1_w)

        config = builder.create_builder_config() 
        profile = builder.create_optimization_profile()
        profile.set_shape("input", (1,64, 1, 1), ( 1,64, 150, 250), (1,64, 200, 300)) 
        idx = config.add_optimization_profile(profile)
        engine = builder.build_cuda_engine(network)
        # build engine
        # engine = builder.build_engine(network, config=config)
        return engine
zhangjun commented 2 years ago



protected: // @cond SuppressDoxyWarnings IPluginCreator(IPluginCreator const&) = default; IPluginCreator(IPluginCreator&&) = default; IPluginCreator& operator=(IPluginCreator const&) & = default; IPluginCreator& operator=(IPluginCreator&&) & = default; // @endcond };

* IPluginRegistry

class IPluginRegistry { public: virtual bool registerCreator(IPluginCreator& creator, AsciiChar const const pluginNamespace) noexcept = 0; virtual IPluginCreator const getPluginCreatorList(int32_t const numCreators) const noexcept = 0; virtual IPluginCreator getPluginCreator(AsciiChar const const pluginName, AsciiChar const const pluginVersion, AsciiChar const const pluginNamespace = "") noexcept = 0;

IPluginRegistry() = default;
IPluginRegistry(IPluginRegistry const&) = delete;
IPluginRegistry(IPluginRegistry&&) = delete;
IPluginRegistry& operator=(IPluginRegistry const&) & = delete;
IPluginRegistry& operator=(IPluginRegistry&&) & = delete;

protected: virtual ~IPluginRegistry() noexcept = default;

public: virtual bool deregisterCreator(IPluginCreator const& creator) noexcept = 0; };

## common
- IGpuAllocator

class IGpuAllocator { public: virtual void allocate(uint64_t const size, uint64_t const alignment, AllocatorFlags const flags) noexcept = 0; TRT_DEPRECATED virtual void free(void const memory) noexcept = 0; virtual ~IGpuAllocator() = default; IGpuAllocator() = default; virtual void reallocate(void /baseAddr/, uint64_t /alignment/, uint64_t /newSize/) noexcept { return nullptr; } virtual bool deallocate(void* const memory) noexcept { this->free(memory); return true; }

protected: IGpuAllocator(IGpuAllocator const&) = default; IGpuAllocator(IGpuAllocator&&) = default; IGpuAllocator& operator=(IGpuAllocator const&) & = default; IGpuAllocator& operator=(IGpuAllocator&&) & = default; };


class ILogger { public: enum class Severity : int32_t { kINTERNAL_ERROR = 0, kERROR = 1, kWARNING = 2, kINFO = 3, kVERBOSE = 4, }; virtual void log(Severity severity, AsciiChar const* msg) noexcept = 0;

ILogger() = default;
virtual ~ILogger() = default;

protected: ILogger(ILogger const&) = default; ILogger(ILogger&&) = default; ILogger& operator=(ILogger const&) & = default; ILogger& operator=(ILogger&&) & = default; };

## 基础数据结构
- DataType

enum class DataType : int32_t { kFLOAT = 0, kHALF = 1, kINT8 = 2, kINT32 = 3, kBOOL = 4 };

- Dims

class Dims32 { public: //! The maximum rank (number of dimensions) supported for a tensor. static constexpr int32_t MAX_DIMS{8}; //! The rank (number of dimensions). int32_t nbDims; //! The extent of each dimension. int32_t d[MAX_DIMS]; }; using Dims = Dims32;

- TensorFormat

enum class TensorFormat : int32_t { //! Row major linear format. //! For a tensor with dimensions {N, C, H, W} or {numbers, channels, //! columns, rows}, the dimensional index corresponds to {3, 2, 1, 0} //! and thus the order is W minor. //! //! For DLA usage, the tensor sizes are limited to C,H,W in the range [1,8192]. //! kLINEAR = 0, kCHW2 = 1, kHWC8 = 2, kCHW4 = 3, kCHW16 = 4, kCHW32 = 5, kDHWC8 = 6, kCDHW32 = 7, kHWC = 8, kDLA_LINEAR = 9, kDLA_HWC4 = 10, kHWC16 = 11 }; using PluginFormat = TensorFormat;

- ITensor

class ITensor : public INoCopy { public: void setName(const char name) noexcept { mImpl->setName(name); } const char getName() const noexcept { return mImpl->getName(); } void setDimensions(Dims dimensions) noexcept { mImpl->setDimensions(dimensions); } Dims getDimensions() const noexcept { return mImpl->getDimensions(); } void setType(DataType type) noexcept { mImpl->setType(type); } DataType getType() const noexcept { return mImpl->getType(); } bool setDynamicRange(float min, float max) noexcept { return mImpl->setDynamicRange(min, max); } bool isNetworkInput() const noexcept { return mImpl->isNetworkInput(); } bool isNetworkOutput() const noexcept { return mImpl->isNetworkOutput(); } void setBroadcastAcrossBatch(bool broadcastAcrossBatch) noexcept { mImpl->setBroadcastAcrossBatch(broadcastAcrossBatch); } bool getBroadcastAcrossBatch() const noexcept { return mImpl->getBroadcastAcrossBatch(); } TensorLocation getLocation() const noexcept { return mImpl->getLocation(); } void setLocation(TensorLocation location) noexcept { mImpl->setLocation(location); } bool dynamicRangeIsSet() const noexcept { return mImpl->dynamicRangeIsSet(); } void resetDynamicRange() noexcept { mImpl->resetDynamicRange(); } float getDynamicRangeMin() const noexcept { return mImpl->getDynamicRangeMin(); } float getDynamicRangeMax() const noexcept { return mImpl->getDynamicRangeMax(); } void setAllowedFormats(TensorFormats formats) noexcept { mImpl->setAllowedFormats(formats); } TensorFormats getAllowedFormats() const noexcept { return mImpl->getAllowedFormats(); } bool isShapeTensor() const noexcept { return mImpl->isShapeTensor(); } bool isExecutionTensor() const noexcept { return mImpl->isExecutionTensor(); }

protected: apiv::VTensor* mImpl; virtual ~ITensor() noexcept = default; };
