zhangrenyang / chatgpt

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Free Proxy server #43

Closed zhangrenyang closed 1 week ago

zhangrenyang commented 4 months ago

Here's a list of free proxy servers.
If you'd like to share a free proxy server, feel free to leave a comment below. After verification, it will be added to the list.

下面是一些免费的代理服务器列表 如果你也想分享免费的代理服务器,欢迎在下面留言,验证可用后会添加到此列表里

Configure Proxy Server for Keyless Access

By setting up a proxy server, you can use it without a key.

Usage Instructions

Press the shortcut key Ctrl+Shift+P (Command + Shift + P), type ChatGPT:Set up a custom proxy server🌐, press Enter, and then enter the proxy server URL. Press Enter again to complete the configuration.

配置代理服务器实现免 Key 访问

通过绑定代理服务器可以实现免 Key 使用


按下快捷键Ctrl+Shift+P(Command + Shift + P ),输入ChatGPT:设置自定义的代理服务器 🌐,按 Enter 键,输入代理服务器,再次按 Enter 键就会设置成功

rarahim75 commented 1 month ago

May I know where can I find the free proxy server list?

zhangrenyang commented 1 week ago

I'm sorry, this service has been discontinued.