zhangru-ng / distributed-system

Course projects of COP5615 Fall 15: distributed algorithms implemented in Scala
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[Scala_gossip]Gossip terminate strategies #7

Closed zhangru-ng closed 9 years ago

zhangru-ng commented 9 years ago

(1) Send message and block until receive reply(actor Ask pattern), reply is either Ack or Stopped. When reply is Stopped, remove the neighbour from neighbour list. If all neighbours are removed, the node terminate. (have to decide a timeout for blocking) (2) Non-blocking version of (1) (have to handle receive Stopped from the same node several times) (3) When a node terminate, broadcast Stopped to all neighbours. (bandwidth) (4) If a node doesn't receive gossip message in N consecutive tick, the node terminate. (No Ack or Stopped message )

sudeepgaddam commented 9 years ago


zhangru-ng commented 9 years ago

SIR model in several papers: Upon receive, if a peer has already receive the message, send a Received message back to the sender. A peer terminates if it receives N Received from its neighbour.